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Eviction of tenants resulting from a planned renovation of their apartment building.

Coined by Heather Pawsey in Vancouver. Truly an urban word.

The elderly couple faced renoviction when their landlord served them notice that they had 60 days to vacate. They feared that gentrification would price them out of the entire neighborhood.

by slumdog January 17, 2009

55πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

nice bit of old

An attractive older woman. Age is relative to the speaker's.

You walk down the street and all the young punks whistle at you.
A nice bit of old,
Just goes to show what you can achieve with the right attitude.
- Ray Davies "Don't Forget to Dance"

by slumdog January 27, 2009


too bad

An interjection popular in North Carolina similar to "darn" or "good Lord!"

That fish slipped off my hook just as I was pulling it into the boat.


by slumdog July 6, 2009

75πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž

curry in a hurry

Indian food in microwavable pouches that don't need to be frozen. Ready to eat in 90 seconds. Available in Indian grocery stores for $1.50 or less. A huge variety of vegetarian entrees compared to American microwave food and less bland too.

When I first got divorced, I ate curry in a hurry every day for lunch. I felt a little awkward buying them 30 at a time at the Indo-Pak market.

by slumdog January 19, 2009

28πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Family Law

Divorce Law. The branch of law specializing in dividing families. An oxymoron.

Here at Profitt, Fromyer, and Versity we specialize in Family Law.

So you're all about wrenching families asunder?

I plead the fifth.

by slumdog January 20, 2009

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

mug me earphones

The distinctive earbuds associated with the Apple iPod. iPods are easy to pick out because of their white earphones and are popular on the black market making them more likely to be stolen. aka mugmes

iPod Users are easy to spot, sporting the white ear buds, often referred to as mug me earphones.
- The Globe and Mail (Canada), November 15, 2008

by slumdog January 19, 2009

5πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

curry addiction

the craving for increasingly hot curry. What used to seem fiery, now seems bland.
An acquired taste, not really an addiction as some researchers claimed.

Pass me the chili powder. This vindaloo isn't hot enough. Ever since I've been with hanging out with the desis, I've developed a serious curry addiction.

by slumdog January 10, 2009

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž