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A person that does not realize that there are more small animals brutally killed per year by the machinery used to harvest grain than all of the cows and pigs that are slaughtered for our consumption.

A person that choses to eat vegetables because they're easier to catch.

A person that does not realize that plants are arguably just as alive as animals. They grow, they reproduce, and they respond to external stimuli, just like an animal. As a result, vegans promote the "ethical" slaughtering of millions of plants.

I'm a vegan and I don't want to think about all of the animals that are being killed for me to eat and have clothes. I also don't consider the rights of things that aren't cute and cuddly, like plants.

by Robert Aborted July 1, 2005

128πŸ‘ 204πŸ‘Ž


Veganism is a militant form of vegetarianism. Vegan's are the people you'll see eating some of the most unhealthy junk at a health foods store. I've known vegeterians that grow their own vegetables. I've known those who eat meat tended to grow their own veggies also..Then again I live in pklahoma.... Anyway Veganism isn't an adequate diet, and actually many AMeican Physicians tell people to only goto Veganism if oyur planning on using supplements to get the other much needed nutrition in your diet..Depending on your lifestyle Veganism may be for you or may not be for you. NEver listen to Vegans themselves who think they know your lifestyle. If your job requires physical labour the yeah Veganism won't provide much.

I knew a vegan who didn't supplement his diet, and didn't change his dieting qwhen we were on a archealogical dig. He at soy bean on whole wheat, and that was alwork veganism isn't the choice of dieting.l he ate for the entire day.. The guy passsed out twice a day. For that type of

by lordblazer October 16, 2006

108πŸ‘ 171πŸ‘Ž


A euphemism for a person who has no connection to reality due to the luxuries that 21st century first-world living has afforded him/her. Such a person is so detached from the order of the world that they seem to forget a lion would eat them without giving two shits about it. A common delusion of a vegan is that their obsession with abstaining from animal products is actually a form of compassion and love. My studies have shown this behavior to be no more than an ego boost to compensate for other areas in which they are inevitably exploiting and pillaging the earth's resources just like everyone else. Ultimately "veganism" is a psychological complex that confuses an egoistic idea with the natural order of the world.

(Two L.A. vegans at brunch)

Cindy: Oh my god, Doug, I feel so much better about myself for being a vegan!

Doug: That's the whole point, right?

by RibEyeSteak March 3, 2009

76πŸ‘ 115πŸ‘Ž


A human being who does not believe in the destruction of other animals because we humans can survive off of plants unlike many animals especially aquatic animals who can not survive off of plants.Most people have an unrealistic perception of us vegans.

Vegans are more earthly than over 70% of the human population.

by black_widow_spyder June 18, 2004

109πŸ‘ 174πŸ‘Ž


Someone who refuses to either eat or wear anything derived from an animal. Not necessarily any less healthy than your typical omnivoreβ€”contrary to popular belief, you can get protein from some plantsβ€”but not necessarily any more so.

Also not inherently self-righteous...but altogether too many of them are.

"You can preach veganism at me all you want...but I'm not giving up chicken strips, silk shirts, or leather boots. Get over it."

by Qit January 21, 2004

95πŸ‘ 151πŸ‘Ž


Someone who doesn't understand the evolutionary history of "Teeth."

John stood tall, and proudly proclaimed his Veganism - prior to dropping to the floor due to his microcytic aenemia resulting from iron deficiency, bone degredation from calcium deficiency, and fatal pernicious anemia from B12 deficiency. Poor John.

by staratsx September 20, 2011

45πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž


Source of amusement online. Is also a popular member of the online phenomenon 'Find the Vegan'.
Will get red in the face if comments are made about:
-Animals being slaughtered
-Being insulted for being Vegan
-Being mentioned for being Vegan

Can be found on forums and websites such as Tumblr.
You will know someone is a Vegan when they try to tell you about it.

Identifiable features include:
-Posting about Animal Cruelty
-Posting about being Vegan
-Posting about how Non-Vegans must be worshipers of Satan
-Posting fake stories about processing meat meant to convert people.

Examples include:

Person 1: How do you find a Vegan at a party? They'll let you know.
Person 2: Excuse Me... So Not True...
Person 1: How do you find a Vegan on Facebook?

Person 1: How do you find a Vegan? They'll let you know.
Person 2: How do you find a Meat-Eater at a party? Don't worry, they'll be everywhere, BBQing dead animals and stuffing them in their mouths and saying 'OMG Vegans are so Preachy'
Person 3: I found the Vegan

Person 1: Science Experiment: Who is easiest to summon?
John Green?
A Vegan?
The only way to find out is to reblog and wait...
Person 2: f**k you vegans aren't your source of entertainment you animal killers.

by PaulSmallSmith June 28, 2013

48πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž