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oxi is a discordian with ehoes

discord daddy looking for a kitten: nudes?
discord egirl: sorry theyre only for oxi..

by iheartass January 27, 2022


whats a oxi? i dont know but something i know is that he robs his own.
oxi e un negro e un enorme fascista.


by xxreez69 February 18, 2022


Someone, somewhere, or something you can go to and feel at peace with yourself and feel safe

I feel calm here. This must be my oxi

by Offcitzdee July 18, 2021

Pulling an Oxy

"Pulling an Oxy" or to "Pull an Oxy" is the act of being somewhat competent at a competitive video game, typically a multiplayer game, then choking up and failing often in spectacular fashion at the last and most crucial moment.

"Man, I almost had that squad knocked, but then I caught myself Pulling an Oxy!" or "Why'd you go and Pull an Oxy in that last fight? We almost won!"

by Oxydize July 18, 2023


My 4lifer<3 ey are very helpful and the most sweetest person on this entire planet/ world 💗 I wish them the best - Gigi<3

Hope you’re having a great day oxy<3

by Su1c1d4l.Fr34k August 30, 2021


Someone who is simultaneously breathing and an idiot (EX: you, probably). This noun can also be used to describe someone with infectious stupidity (that is breathing). This word sounds stupid (which it is), but you never know if the person you use it on will be alive the next moment.
(sometimes confused with "oxymoron," which is different I swear).

"They're an oxy-moron."
"I'm such an oxy-moron, I'm going to kill someone in approximately 0.5 hemiseconds"



A person that knows the dangers of recreationally using oxycontin or oxycodone yet continues to abuse it.

Did you hear about that guy down the street? He's been stealing his grandma's oxycontin for years. What an oxy-moron.

by Jg1153414 April 6, 2020