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Matt Gold

adj. A Matt Gold is a very large useless thing. It like to eat alot and is usually found listening to gross music. He enjoys eating and large girls.(Big Sid)

An common use:

Wow, you are a Matt Gold. (a very bad insult to anyone)

by Bombers February 28, 2007

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Matt Sinibaldi

The sexiest guy in the world. He is an amazing boyfriend and an amzing lover.

Girl 1-I had amazing sex last night.
Girl 2- I had Matt Sinibaldi last night.
Girl 1- Bitch

by In between June 27, 2006

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matt burt

pinching some weed with the intent of smoking it later; if the person matt-burting did not pay for the weed, they must smoke it with whomever purchased said matt-burted weed

"Don't matt burt that roach just so you can go smoke it and watch 'Pink Floyd: The Wall' and have a wank."

by GT 443 April 20, 2009

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Noah Matt

Lack of a soft surface used for celebrating points in Ultimate Frisbee. see also Tony Grabbe

I was gonna do a running dive after I scored, but then I realized that there was no ah, matt near the end zone.

by BMG-1 January 15, 2003

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Matt Party

A party whereby a man name Matt sits in a pet-hair covered recliner in a low-ceilinged and dingy family room, belching while watching reruns on tv-land -- the party starts when his neighbor begrudgingly comes over to demand his tool set back that was borrowed last easter and never used - the wife offers rudimentary snacks of stale pretzels and michelob lite. About this time Matt engages the neighbor in a long winded conversation discussing the politics of MASH. He never returns the tools.

Man, I went over to Jay's for a game of scrabble and beer - and it was the lamest Matt Party, down to the pretzels and Michelob.

by phluffhead83 January 19, 2010

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Welcome Matt

Just as "tramp stamp" is to lower back tattoo, "Welcome Matt" is to lower abs. Right above a chicks pussy. It gives you a little taste of what she is like.

" That chick got an arrow tattoo right above her pussy!" "Yeah it's pretty much a Welcome Matt."

by KittenQT October 1, 2014

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matt payne

Super loud and annoying, usually very disruptive and physically/ emotionally hurtful. Super faggy, and isn't a great friend at times, and likes old timey music

Matt Payne is annoying as all hell

by Define Sexy March 5, 2018

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