a toxic guy with more toxicity than others. he always talk trash to any innocent people.
the acidic guy: lol you're so dogwater ez ez ez ez l l ll
person: You're acidic! Go enjoy nature!
That's why no one care when you say it. The things you say don't carry as much weight when YOU say them because...
Hym "You're full of shit, Emma. Literally everything is racism to you so when cry racism it doesn't carry any weight. You radically over-represent the degree to which things are things, on LITERALLY every topic. So, yeah, people can see that. People can see you being full of shit... And it makes you untrustworthy. So, I have to lend credence to the shit you say... Because I am BETTER AND SMARTER THAN YOU AND THE RETARDS YOU FUCK. You're dumb. I'm brilliant. And settler colonialism is just RACISM Emma! EVERYTHING IS RACISM TO YOU! No! THE JEWS SAY IT THE CULTURE! THEIR CULTURE IS THE RELIGION! SO IT'S NOT THE THING YOU SAID... IT'S THE THING I SAID!"
On a forum where swearing is banned the "C" word gets automatically replaced with a non swear word. So the phrase "you're a C*nt" gets replaced with "you're a gent".
You sir , you're a gent of the highest order.
I dont want to talk to you, you're a gent!
A word used by the famous internet celebrity Markiplier, it's used in any random context but the most common use for it currently is referring to someone or something as cute or adorable. it also should be taken in consideration that the phrase is used predominantly towards cats due to the nature of the phrase coming from Markiplier saying to a cat in a video game
Cat : "Meoooow"
Markiplier : "Ohoho you're so Portuguese"
Markiplier when finds a cat that's Portuguese
Cat: Meow
Markiplier: Aw you're so Portuguese
Markiplier when he sees a cat that's Portuguese
Cat: "Meow"
Markiplier: "Aw you're so Portuguese"
A meme on TikTok that started in early November 2023. It was from a clip of Markiplier finding a cat in a horror game and saying the cat Portuguese for some random ass reason. The original TikTok of this surpassed a million likes within a few days time.
1950: In 2023 we will have flying cars!
2023: Did you see the Markiplier meme haha you're so Portuguese