twitter is A social media app on you computer or phone .
Its also a place where people can not share the opinion or get doxxed or people with weird fetishes and other people are found .
person1 : does the most cringiest thing.
person 2 :average twitter user .
Twitter is basically 1000000 tons of toxic waste all compiled into one website. If we deleted it, the sea levels would probably be back to it's level in 1922.
I use twitter and i'm a huge pain in the ass and i'm better than you. Even if you win the Nobel Peace Prize, i'll still be better than you. (casually posts mid+l+bozo+don't care+didn't ask+i'm better+ratio+0 iq about someone saying they like apples)
A place where you get unliked for existing (usually known as being Cancelled) Twitter is usually the home of fatherless children.
"I cancelled a normal, nice person on Twitter"
Twitter,a noun used to describe a fatherless figure that gets angry when some "CHAD" violates them in there comment section
I am a fatherless twitter user
son: hey dad, where do you go if you die?
dad: twitter
son: huh?
dad: oh, sorry, i mean hell
Where god doesn’t exist and every word you say is a slur
Hey guys, have you been in Twitter?
Nah man, Twitter sucks ass