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Something that doesn’t exist

God doesn’t exist.

by LuckySandvich September 4, 2018

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admin of earth server

god: You are now banned from earth server for nsfw

by super-kami-guru April 15, 2021

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A lie.

Person 1: You know that guy who doesn’t exist?
Person 2: God?
Person 1: Yes.

by 663738284764553363728 January 2, 2019

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The man above us that gives little children and adults cancer.

Parents: have good child

God:Gives cancer to child and kills it and goes to hell.

by DarkDefinor November 5, 2018

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The almighty ruler of heaven and earth. Well thats "God". If your just talking about "a god" it could be Yahweh, Allah, Zeus, or even Bob if you want.
Some people do not believe in any god. Others believe in a symbolic one. These people are among the most brilliant on Earth(including John Lennon & I). They understand that they will not appear in a fiery pit or anywhere else after they die. Yet they live as well as any Christian because they know that hell is every bit of guilt, depression, rejection, and pain felt in life, and that heaven is all comfort, happiness, love, and peace. Some pray to a god for hours everyday. Do they think He likes to, or is even able to listen to millions of people talk about their problems? They could spend that time doing good for the world and then they wouldn't feel so depressed, & would have friends to talk to instead of just God. If every minute spent praying for God to help the world was spent actually helping the world, we would live in heaven.

"I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is something in all of us. I believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said was right. It's just that the translations have gone wrong."
John Lennon

by Jim Steele August 8, 2006

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1. The combination of Water and Music, things I could not live without.
2. The eternal, enigmatic source of life and fortune.
3. The Challenger
4. Unlike me,does not get angry when you insult him, you pathetic little fools

Jesus, Yahweh, Elohim, Jah Ras Tafari, Jupiter, Imana, etc.......

by Pipecock Jackstone June 27, 2003

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yeah, god's real, don't insult him!
well... there sorta more than one, so ya gotta be a teensy bit more specific.
which one exactly? there are hundreds of gods, NONE of which have any interest in the human civilisation. i mean, if you and sevaral hundred others had infinitely endless power, WHO THE FUCK WOULD GIVE A SHIT ABOUT HUMANITY!?

and the answer is!..... NONE!

oh, and i am personally responsible for the death and suffering of christ. just thought i'd mention it is all.


some guy: really? how many IS that now? i lost count.

me: yeh, its no fun anymore. but, i bought into this job, so i gotta sit around until they wipe themselves out, or piss off some god who then obliterates them. hmm, should be amusing. luckily, they can only do it once!

by 'nuff said April 30, 2004

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