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The act of taking your piece of shit cell phone back to the store and shoving up the salesperson's ass.

I am so sick of this fucking cell phone. I have had it replaced at least ten times and each one of them has been worst than the last.

I'm going to use this one for a little cell-u-lar-sodomy.

by poppilopo June 12, 2009

4👍 1👎

The Great Incesto and His Flying Sodomy

A mythical creature who roams the streets of Philadelphia and persuades homeless junkies to sell their souls for pocket change under a legally binding contract. The Great Incesto is also rumored to have magically flown these "homeless junkies" into the sky and given them the ass raping of their life. It is also believed that The Great Incesto is the mother and brother of all homeless junkies, hence the name "Incesto". Contrary to textbooks and popular belief, The Great Incesto never carries his sodomy in a magic bag.

"Hey man, did you give that crackhead any money?"

"Fuck that, I'd rather watch him get his ass raped by The Great Incesto and His Flying Sodomy for 45 cents.

by Bobby Baloney October 10, 2009

17👍 3👎

Spicy Sodomy

Anal sex involving the use of anal lubricant infused with Pop Rocks candy, bewildering the participants with blazing booty holes and scorched skin flutes.

Thrusting their prude conservative town into the spotlight resulting in protesters outside their residence, Adam & Steve's viral video debuting what they've dubbed "Spicy Sodomy" prompted the Surgeon General to release a statement urging the public to avoid living in towns that don't know how to keep the romance alive after 30 years of blissful marriage.

by BrandLoyaltyForSale September 29, 2023

Career sodomy

When someone takes a Metallica quality person working hard and about to do well in life make people proud and totally fucks the whole program by sabotaging his work and interrupting the flow of creativity because some serious bitch isn’t gonna get chosen cos she doesn’t like her fucking job

That little ring worm piece of shit just got busted for career sodomy for advertising a comment that meant nothing to anyone who didn’t do anything wrong by him

by Hectic Mooslie October 8, 2023

Sodomy psychiatry

When someone doesn’t wanna admit he wants to have sex with your ass , usually it is a fuxking uneducated moron , but decides to make it rule anyway that allows him to change your appearance based on his jail psychology diagnosis which is usually in favour of other uneducated Fuck wit moron hurricanes that fuck everything you build then disappear like a fart outside yeh a big annoying fart

Bro anyone that fucks chicks , and doesn’t just use them to have your gay kids for you , is asking for sodomy psychiatry and that’s after you thought they got an std but they didn’t , now your excuse is different but the end result will be the same exactly what you need to happen and nothing your biggest threat needs to happen.

by Hectic Mooslie October 8, 2023

Sodomy surfer

An individual who participates frequently in sodomistic acts on or in relation to particular orifices on the human or any given body.

Tom: bro I just got done ravaging Jessica’s corn cutter, it was so hot! I love assholes!

Brock: bro, you are such a sodomy surfer!

by Corncutter69 June 25, 2022

Sodomy Odyssey Saturday

A weekly celebration of oral and anal sex.

Sodomy Odyssey Saturday is a duel celebration I can stand behind!

by SueDoeName August 15, 2018