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Zacc Roberts

Zacc is a fat-ass who comes to your house and eats all of your food. He single-handedly makes the kids in Africa starve as he has eaten all of their food. Zacc is the type of person to not make the football team for how fat he is and if he was to make the team the only thing he would do is break all of the benches. He is known for fumbling the bad and not being able to pull any females.

Wow that Zacc Roberts guy gets no hoes

by TheMissingLink14 March 4, 2022

Robert Wu

An asian mudafucking midget which has a big brain inside a tiny head, but they are mentally insane.

I saw a Robert Wu! *Oh Shit*

by SomeRandomDude34iopi4 December 9, 2019

robert longland

Just looking at a Robert Longland gets all the ladies wet and all the men erections, just the sheer size of his BBC can rival a horse

I wish I was as black as Robert Longland

by Yes7771w April 27, 2021

Robert R Shrute

Twin brother of Dwight K Shrute. Was thrown off of Shrute Farms by Dwight for aledged romantic affairs with several pigs of both sexes. Currently resides at Shrute acres in South Buffalo.

Hey did you see that drunk mess at the bar..... Ya thats Robert R Shrute.

by chubbyducky December 26, 2011

Tim Roberts

He will hunt you down if you fail your imedia course

"You failed your imedia course, Tim Roberts is coming for you"

by ddudbt asd January 13, 2022

robert henry

A hairy gorilla man with man boobs. He has a manjina and he smells like poop. Besides that he is a food dad

Person 1:There’s Robert Henry, that hairy Gorilla man!

by Hehenksjdjebwojsbejwow March 23, 2018

Robert miller

A sexy hunky boy with a massive cock and a fat ass

Look at Robert miller he is so hot

by percEATER69 January 19, 2022