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A stupid ideology for losers ,racists , and edgy socially awkward fourteen year-olds

That guys is so stupid i bet he thinks Fascism is a good way to run a country

by Just.Some.Random.Guy October 6, 2022


Anything I don’t like.

Barista: Sorry ma’am, we are all out of pumpkin spice lattes

Stacy: this is literally fascism!!!!

by Le Pigg November 22, 2023


At least 8 or 9 things. Maybe more…?

Max G: Mr. Shadow Legend I gotta be honest with ya, I don’t even know what fascism is.
Mr. Shadow Legend: Hahahaha… Nobody does…

by it’s JDone November 1, 2022


Far-right dictatorship that passed anti-semitic laws, censorship, absolute control, prevalence of the concepts of nation and white race being superior to individual values and which is represented by an authoritarian government, centered on the figure of a dictator, causing 440,000 deaths in Italy.

I hate fascism.

by Roscanbi March 22, 2023


Extreme right dictatorship that passed anti-Semitic laws, applied censorship, absolute control, prevalence of the concepts of nation and race over individual values and which is represented by an authoritarian government, centralized in the figure of a dictator; causing 440,000 deaths in Italy.

I am against fascism.

by WWW9999 March 13, 2023


Thing I don't like

I disagree with this law, therefore it is Fascism.

by PrefixNA January 16, 2023


Far-right dictatorship that passed anti-semitic laws, applied censorship, absolute control, prevalence of the concepts of nation and white race over individual values and which is represented by an authoritarian government, centered on the figure of a dictator. It killed 440,000 people in Italy.

I hate fascism.

by Serbize March 24, 2023