You know regular Christmas right? This is 8 days of straight Christmas, but Jew flavored.
I can't wait to celebrate Jew Christmas. It's my favorite time of year!
A Jew that hates his own kind and is a Jesse.
Hey I’m not Jewish
Oh so ur a Jesse Jew?
The action that follows after filling your gas tank up and then proceeding to lift the hose up to get every last drop of gas
Thomas: why do you always lift the hose up like that
Mason: I’m jew dripping cunt
When you're trying to eat and someone is consistently interrupting you from eating/messing with your food.
We were at Applebees the other day and Joe food jewed me. He just wouldn't shut the fuck up.
A person who is obviously a Jew. OJ's usually are recognizable by their name. To spot an OJ, look at their name. If it sounds Jewish, it probably is.
Be aware that not all people who have Jewish-sounding names are actually Jewish, so don't write in another OJ in your Obvious Jew Scouting notebook unless you're sure they really are a genuine Jew.
Person 1: "Hey, is Ben an Obvious Jew?"
Person 2: "Who, Ben Silverberg? You betcha"
Person 1: "Aaron Goldman is an OJ, right?"
Person 2: "You got that right"
kule chitty number 74 killed all the natzis and killed every jew what a man
i did a kyle chitty last night jew saver
A saucy jew is a Jew who is so jew that Jews see a saucy jew and bee like wow jew jew jew jew
Jew 1: hey look a saucy jew
Jew 2: jew jew jew money money money
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