- Some chick got dicked live on Twitch and only got a seven day ban, whereas I got permabanned because some rando yelled the gamer word over the mic.
- What did you expect from Simp HQ!?
Def: The art of simping for one named Charlotte. Being in a state of puppy love for one named Charlotte.
Written by Alexis, the OG Charlotte simp!
See Alexis over there? She is definitely a Charlotte simp.
*not a joke
Someone/something that experiences or shows signs of puppy love or obsessive love-type behavior towards an individual named Charlotte. (Usually a lesbian or bisexual)
Alexis looks like such a Charlotte simp.
Says very sexual things in order to "win" a girl over even though its kind of creepy.
Type of Arena composition in World of Warcraft used by Female streamers that generally requires less communication. Making it easy to quickly replace teammates who don't perform to the streamers perceived standard.
Dude, like, wtf. Is it a bunch of Simp Cleaves or wtf is happening. Oh my god, she is just scrolling through the Simp list (Friends list) and is like "Holy fuck, let me just find another guy to play with". My fucking eyes...
in all four nations the simp master is know for defeating the thot nation
characteristics: Flirty, too happy, unpredictable, dangerous, introvert worst nightmare
oh shit the Simp Master is here