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A very powerful weapon of mass destruction. It is not known how math teachers have not yet taken their own lives (although they would do well because they are as useful as a cactus in the ass). There are no people who like mathematics, it was invented only to ruin our lives. Obviously, at first everything will seem clear, but already after the second lesson you will already be looking at the window of your class and thinking "Oh come on, the world will not be destroyed with one less person out of 7 Billion

Maths is so cool!
Wait until you go to middle school, then let's see if you can repeat something like that

by nickiminajisthequeenofrap12343 September 9, 2021



yes I did get that off of google I just wanted to define a word

Teacher: everyone take out your math journal
Student: you meant our mental abuse to students journal?

by byeeeeeeeeeeehiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii April 12, 2022


The worst thing to ever exist on this planet.

Hey little Timmy did you do your math homework.

by Im non bionary m8 May 12, 2017


A subject of numbers. The easiest thing in elementary school, and it will become a solitary confinement torture in High school. The basics, plus minus decide multiply percentage time and fractions are needed, while the rest would be deemed useless after the end of your time at school.

Math is the worst

by Tr45h May 20, 2022


Supposedly torture, if you listen to them. But math is a source of enjoyment and happiness if you look at it from the "RIGHT ANGLE". Looking at it from just a 2D perspective is a boring view. If you're bad at it, you won't enjoy it. If you did Algebra I in 1st grade, you'll love it like me. If you did Trigonometry before middle school, you'll also love it. Pre-calculus before 7th grade, you'll also like it. It can also help you in a dire situation.

Person 1: I HATE MATH!!!
Person 2: I LOVE MATH!!!
*start fighting like crazy*
Person 2: I won with the power of math!

by HaloExpert422 February 18, 2016


Math is nothing but a easy and a hard subject for all students. Without math, the whole Earth would be peaceful.

'' Darn, I hate math sometimes.. ''

by katiaxoxo February 27, 2022


The best Dad joke ever!

We were in math class. Nick was like "Wanna hear a Dad joke?" The rest of us was like "FUCK YEAH" He was like"THIS CLASS!!" We burst out laughing!

by Aldi's February 5, 2019