A term used to describe a soul reaper in type soul
Stupid Soul Monkey
What you feel when someone is an inherently better person than you.
My neighbor spent the last year in India feeding and clothing poor people. Then she gave her inheritance to charity. The whole thing gave me Soul Envy.
soul savior likes to kiss baddies feet and sticking his pp in da shower drain
A Game Thats Simular to Dark Souls, but isn't, but also is, so we give it a shitty name instead of Souls-like so everyone knows the difference
Hey, want to go smoke weed and play a Souls-lite?
One of many phrases meaning killed or dead used by Tik Toker/YouTuber: Casual Geographic to avoid demonetization when ruining your favourite animal(s) for 5-10 minutes.
"Bump (an elephant) then used his tusks to split his handler in half and then stood over his soul divorced corpse for hours."
Soul sisterhood is a unique and extraordinary connection that surpasses the boundaries of normal friendships. With trust, authenticity, shared values, intuitive connection, empathy, and lifelong support, soul sisters experience a depth of understanding and companionship that no other relationship can match.
shes my soul sister, my best friend