A short girl who tries to fit in, but nobody likes her. She's either friends with a Grace or a Sally. She is horrible at every sport and doesn't know how to play them. She thinks she has some sort of body and thinks she can just get what she wants from crying all the time. She is very funny and wants attention but if you want to have fun bring someone other than an arriona
The act of masturbating another person to completion into a storm drain
“You want a hobo jones? I’ll give you one for a can of beans.”
When somebody is ginger and alone.
Hey look at that red haired man on his jak jones.
If you meet a person whose first initial is D and their last name is Jones, don't get inside of them or something amazing will happen.
"If your first initial was D and your last name was Jones, if I ever got inside you, then I would be in D Jones (Indy Jones)!"
Hailey is a backstabbing person who her friends hate. She won’t let not be her friend because she is a piece of crap. Every time you bring up something she said she will be like “ I never said that. When did I say that. I don’t remember ever saying that.”
“ Hailey I don’t like you and I don’t want to be your friend.”
“ Why, what did I do?”
“ Your an asshole who said I was a hoe and I suck dick for breakfast”
“ I didn’t say that, I don’t remember ever saying those things.”
“ go away Hailey.”
“But,but,but wait”
“Shut up Hailey Jones”
To spread a rumor which may not be true. Taken from Tom Segura’s anecdote about his dad and Tommy Lee Jones, where he finds out that he has incorrectly been telling people that Tommy Lee Jones is gay because Tom’s father misinformed Tom
I don’t want to out Tommy Lee Jones here, but I heard that John is having an affair