Scottish slang term for 'Penis'. Derived from 'Old Fellow'.
She whipped oot ma old fellae, and gave me a Jodrell (bank/wank).
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brain - dead fuckwit , usually male, who drinks copious amounts of that fine lager-beer stella. gets twatted and either starts a fight or shags the local bint.
stella fella 'you startin?'
me 'oh fuck off stella fella you brain dead arsewipe'
stella fella 'are u the local bint?'
me' oh go and have another pint for fucks sake'
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The universe’s most heavenly song. It cures all depression and anxiety and could restore world peace.
“All my fellas”
*all the wars stop and all discrimination disappears and all mental illnesses are cured and people who killed themselves come back from the dead because life is finally good again*
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what happens when drake changes you (21)
Clutchin' glizzys with the fellas (Yeah)
"Its payday fellas" is a battle cry shouted out by Hoxton during the Hoxton breakout job in Payday 2
"Im rich. Its payday fellas! I SAID ITS FOCKIN PAYDAY!"
Biggest legend in Liverpool, has never made a mistake in his life, everyone loves him and wants to shake his hand.
Made the popular trainers ‘110s’ or Airmax 95s
“You know tha fella that made 110s?”
“Ye lad he’s a heavy kid him, I want to shake his hand”