When you are reaching so bad to make somebody look successful
Remy Ma Achievement: Remy Ma has surpassed 12,000 streams on Soundcloud.
— She’s the most streamed female rapper with a first name that starts with the letter “R.”
Someone who is blessed and is usually associated with the phrase "Aw, bless". She can be found with a group of followers who are usually trying to impress her to gain her approval.
Person1 : Whos that?
Person2 : I think thats Tannir Ma
Person1: Aw bless
a man of great descent in the deep depths of flavourus of music genre r&b
person 1: Bro... ur like dj ma nizzle
person 2: thank you, ur also dj ma nizzle bro
A term often used as an expression to someone whom you love or hold dearly.
Tony stated to Bubbles "Ma se poes" at their wedding...
A ronots mas is the punching bag of the group. Usually only invited to socialise for the entertainment of the group.
Paul - "Who is that guy everyone is laughing at?!"
Nick - "I dunno, but he's definitely a ronots mas"
Northern Ireland come back to a put down
"You're a wee tramp:"... "aye your ma's a fucking tramp"
Your main mate (can only be used singularly )
Or as a greeting to one person
Yo Chris is one of my mates but Jason's ma 9
Oui what's up ma 9