When you lower your expectations so low that whatever happens can't be any worse.
The year was 1998, Godzilla hit cinemas with record low ratings. I asked all my mates to come with me with no luck. Everyone Talked shit about the movie that I went in thinking it was going to be the worst movie of all time. Came out thinking, hey that was alright.... Godzilla Theory was born. Lower your expectations and whatever it is will be good.
Anyone who isn't from Vancouver, Canada, has observed a peculiar trend among those who are born and raised there. Native Vancouverites often come across as cold, socially awkward, envious, insecure and gossipy. Additionally, many of the men exhibit notably feminine traits.
Some of their preferred pastimes involve gossiping about friends behind their backs, fabricating stories about them, and sitting with their legs crossed in a typically feminine manner. It's also uncommon to find one who is over 6 feet tall, and many have either chubby or scrawny build.
Everyone not from Vancouver seems to think they are insecure autistic weirdos
the vancouver autism theory is correct, look at stu crossing his legs like a girl
The belief that using random, available things to try to make something work will actually work.
Allison uses the MacGyver Theory at her portrait studio. Like, "Get me my snorkel, an avocado, and some dead tree branches. This is going to be the best baby portrait EVER!"
The thoeory that theres tiny silly Chris's hiding around every corner of your house. Chris like to flip over desks when angy and they tend to be little. They dress in bikinnis when feeling silly. Theyre like little garden knomes, they soawn in the masses and peep theres itty bitty heads through windows when alone. They typically wear champion shirts and vans. They gather in groups and attack by viciously jump up and down to create a decoy, then the leader Arreola tears the opponent down
Have you heard of the Chris A theory? WOah what was that.... ITS A CHRIS A RUN!!
when you watch over 200 films in the span of 3 months and you have an obsession with reviewing them on letterboxd
my friend called me crazy for following The Jolie Theory when honestly i’m just superior to them in every way tbh
Probadance Theory: A conceptual framework that integrates principles from Bayesian epistemology and critical rationalism to create an adaptable and self-correcting hierarchy of event likelihoods. The term combines "probability" and "dance" to emphasize its dynamic and evolving nature in organizing, evaluating, and updating beliefs about the likelihood of various events.
Ever since I started applying the Probadance Theory to my decision-making, I've been able to assess situations with greater clarity and adaptability.
The time in college when men and women should reach peak maturity and glow-up status
Liz: "Why are you always going for Juniors?"
Em: "Junior year theory, duh"