A regular MLIA commenters, tinychatter, and flockdrawian, recognized by a fair amount of people within the MyLifeIsAverage commenting community. As the name states, he is a defiant blob. Defiant Blob's interest include animation, OP bashing, and nomming apples.
Defiant Blob has been particularly defiant today.
4👍 2👎
The sexual disposition of the average heterosexual male. Or a male prisoner who fails to resist unwanton sexual advances (rape, if you will).
Q: "so are you a top or a bottom?"
A:"I'm...uhh..a defiant bottom...yeah, not happening."
Q: "Did you ever partake in sexual activity while in prison, sir?"
A: "Yes, I was a bottom, a DEFIANT bottom"
2👍 8👎
A "disorder" found in kids (mostly). Here are the symptoms:
# often loses temper
# often argues with adults
# often actively defies or refuses to comply with adults' requests or rules
# often deliberately annoys people
# often blames others for his or her mistakes or misbehavior
# is often touchy or easily annoyed by others
# is often angry and resentful
# is often spiteful or vindictive
Pft! It's not a disorder, just bad parenting.
OMG! Honey, look at this article on ODD! It turns out our little obnoxious shit, Billy, is actually THE VICTIM here; of a horrible disorder! Poor Billy!! :\
59👍 46👎
The defiant girl statue is a statue on Wall Street. She is defiant because she is staring down the Charging Bull. In a recent incident, some poop eater in a business suite was photographed while humping the defiant girl. The picture went viral.
The defiant girl statue actually misrepresents the meaning of the charging bull.
A person who doesn't eat mcdonalds
I find McDonald's disgusting and unedible so I'm a Donald's defiant
when you use an arrow emoji, but accidentally point it in the wrong direction.
Bob: Dude make sure you take a left at that next intersection, --->
Steve: Bro you're so arrow defiant, couldn't you see that you put a right arrow when you said left?