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a form of torture invented by mad teachers, its ment to be a living hell for any person(except for nerds.) It kills the fun out of life like when your wanting to snog your girlfriend later on, then here comes the block HOMEWORK!you want to see a new awesome movie you bought the tickets only useful for today and later on FRIGGIN HOMEORK!!

me: gotta get outta school quickly,YES oppertunity!
teacher:calum you forgot your homework, again.

by cal198 June 14, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Stupid pointless crap made by the 11th sector of hell called school.


by Megatron prime March 5, 2019

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Homework, something that the teacher gave you to spoil your fun when you're at home

Solution; did the homework at school library and handed in the next morning.

Problem solved;

by Saints September 16, 2003

514๐Ÿ‘ 336๐Ÿ‘Ž


shit i will never understand, school is sappose to prepare us for a job, but jobs dont require us to do our work 24/7 just the 6-8 hours we are in work, so how does homework help prepare us for a job? and why do they give us lunch detention for falling asleep in class if the reason we're fallling asleep is because we stayed up till 5 in the morning doing the homework they gave us! and why do math teachers insist that math homework help's us understand math problems more when we can already do any problem in our sleep. i guess the conclusion is teachers (especially middle school teachers) are crazy assholes that are power hungry, and like to pick on kids that are going through tough shit let alone school. its hard enouph for kids having to come home to screaming parents/siblings along with a dog that persists on nawing your leg no matter how many times u push him away, along with the 12 hours of homework that teachers give each night. i guess life's a bitch, and thats all school succeeds in teaching you.

im sappose to be doing my homework right now, but instead im writing definitions on this shit, for things im pist about, i wonder why adults dont understand why the number in teenage suicide has drasticlly increased in the past years.

by kylctwncind May 28, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Homework stands for


Person 1: What is this Sh*t
Person 2: Homework
Person 3: We don't need it, we do all of it at school

by Hogsbreath101 July 29, 2019

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


the punishment given to you for going to school
i thought school was supposed to be fun, then 1st grade ended
the stuff teachers make you do to deprive you of your valuable sleep

Example of what happens to a class when a teacher gives them a homework assignment

teacher: i want you to write me a 50 page essay on the roman empire and how it fell, this should take you like, 30 minutes if your smart

later that night: what the crap, i started this essay 6 hours ago and it isnt even done ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

teacher: so where's that 50 page 30 min to do essay i asked for
class: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

by the pessimists March 10, 2009

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something that if it is not for study purposes it is a extreamly dick thing to give. Teachers that give a lot of homework are low life pieces of shit. We are in school for like 8 hours each day after school we are tired and bored. and a teacher is gonna give you more homework as if 8 hours isnt enough to take away and last pride and manhood a person could possibly savage after listening to a stupid gook chink asshole talk about how napolean fucked this guy up the ass and thats how france became a country. Homework has NO point is gay and is wrong low and obnoxious

Mr. Douch bag: im giving u a 25 page homework packet due friday.

HUGH what you think your the only teacher that gives homework, a packet plus others form other classes. FUCK YOUR MOTHER u low life cocksucker what kind of bull shit is that you bitch ass nigga, i dont care what the government says fuck what you heard it's what you hearin, and what you hearin is the sound of my gat click click boom ill blow your 2 inch cock off. motherfucker ill beat the shit out of your wife with my 15 inch cock and gag that bitch by rape, this aint a game motherucker i got a life and im busy douch bag trailor parker. Go back to the trailor park faggot u gay ass drag queen. ima set it off on your family bitch ill flip this desk over and shove this overhead projector up you ass cock sucker. All this after hearing that ho go on about the the faggits in the like fourteen hundreds all i heard was blah blah blah some lozer luie the 15th raped his kid and fucked a dog (wow) or some shit like that i dont care either i got a note for my not done homework. Dear chode go ram you 2 incher up your dogs raging asshole thanks

by Francesco Albanese January 3, 2007

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