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Inner Asian

Something said by Fairview Jr. high kids. Normally people saying it have chubby cheeks and their names are normally Hannah, Hallaiah or Kent

Hannah: *takes off glasses*
Hallaiah: *takes of glasses*
Kent: * takes of glasses*
All of them: *smile* INNER ASIAN!

by Oh shit oh shit March 12, 2020

Asian Parents

Very, Very, Strict and mean parents. They force you to have perfect grades, they punish you if you got lower than an A- on a test. i never had them but my friend who is asian did and i know from going over his house that they are very strict.

Real Conversation between my friend and his parents. When I was going into middle school you could either get into 7th math, 7th advanced math, be with the 8th graders in regular math, be with the advanced 8th graders, or be with the highschoolers, average kids got into 7th grade math, smart kids, got into 7th advanced, very smart kids got into 8th, super smart kids got into 8th advanced, and geniuses got into highschool algebra below is a real conversation between my indian friend and his parents

rasheed(Friend): ( Walks into house to see his mom upset with him and yelling at him)

Rasheed: Mom why are you so upset?

Mom: You didnt make it into highschool math

Rasheed: So thats really hard to get into most kids don't even make it into 8th grade regular math

Mom: Don't talk back Mr. You go to your room this instant

Rasheed: But what did I make it into?

Mom: You made it into 8th grade advnced which isn't good enough

Rasheed: if you ask me or anyone else that is very good to make it into advanced 8th going into 7th grade

Mom: (Bitch slaps Rasheed)

Rasheed: What was that for

Mom: Don't question me now go to your room or you'll get this again and tell Jeff to go home you should be studying now

Rasheed: Dude I'm fucked your so lucky your white well you have to go bye you don't wanna witness this.

Now you know it sucks to have asian parents

by snookiwantsmooshsmoosh8888 January 30, 2011

206πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Asian Parents

(This is coming from an asian kid)
1) They gave birth to you, so:
They can control anything you do (Going out with friends, eating, etc.) They can also choose what you can watch or listen too.
2) If you get a call from the principal or the teacher sends an e-mail, you will be
B)Stopped from using electronics
3)Expect super high grades.
4)More than 1 hour of electronics on weekends? You’re getting grounded.
5)You have to make up so many excuses just to leave the house on a weekend by yourself.
6)Extra cheap, only buys the bare minimum. You have to buy everything else using the pennies you found on the floor.
7)They will multiply anything bad your teacher said by 10, and divide anything good your teacher says by 10.

8)Super racist, thinks blacks and latinos don’t study and are stupid.

Michael:Didn’t you get a F on your report card?
Chang:Yup, my parents whooped my ass so hard it’s flat.
Michael:Feels bad man
Chang: I saved up enough money to buy that pc I wanted.
Michael:Cool we can play games together now!
Chang:My parents took it away and used it to buy 15 gucci slippers when I am wearing shoes I found at a store for $5.
Michael:I’m lucky I’m white
Chang:Feels baaaad. My parents want me to graduate and become a brain surgeon at the age of 16. I did the SAT when I was 5.
Michael:Oh hell no thank god im white. Asian parents suuuuck.

by thiccasian69 November 30, 2018


Term describing a black asian brother

Yo this bhungra club is well amazing i love asianic music

by Jackir September 27, 2004

2πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


Oral sex on a booty. Tonguing the brown eyes. Eating booty like groceries. Attacking the crack with your mouth.

I am going to marry Tina cause that bitch gives the best Asian!

by Geechie Girl December 17, 2016

2πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Asian Whining

When Asian kids at school complain about getting a 99 on a test that everyone else failed

Martin: (sees 99 on a BC Calculus Test) OMG UBER FAIL! My parents are gonna kill me! They might even take away my StarCraft!!!!!

Ruifan: (holds up 63) Okay, enough with the Asian whining. Believe it or not, 99 is a good grade.

by DirtySanchez999999 February 2, 2011

25πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The class topper, the one who gets full marks, the suck-up.

Fuck! That Asian got full marks again!

by skskskskphilswift October 17, 2020

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž