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National Kiss Your Crush Day

On November 16, kiss your crush without context. They might be confused or mad but you had an excuse.

"Hey...It's National Kiss Your Crush Day...*kisses passionately*

by Shaqui11eOatmeal November 16, 2021

National Kiss Your Crush Day

On November 16, kiss your crush without context. They might be confused or mad but you had an excuse. Go get them.

"Hey...I really like you.. and it's National Kiss Your Crush Day....*kisses passionately*

by Shaqui11eOatmeal November 16, 2021

Crushing Nuts

A term used colloquially by lesbians when talking disdainfully about heterosexuals.

"Nah she's not keen, she's a filthy hetero and digs crushing nuts"

by juicestinator June 25, 2021

Crush Syndrome

A time in your life where every other girl than your CRUSH likes you. Trust me fellas, it's pretty tough and meaningless at that point. Stay STRONK!

Me: Hey, Dave, I really have a crush on Sienna. She looks so fine, is funny, and is just plain beautiful bruh.
Dave: Nice man.
Me: FOR SOME REASON though, every other girl has a crush on me and wants to be with me, but Sienna doesn't want to be.

Dave: Sounds like your going through Crush Syndrome, just keep trying with her but know it will be tough my G.

by J@cob_TRUTH February 13, 2024

The Suck and Crush

The Suck and Crush is a sex move where you get done sucking your partners phalice, and then you crush your partners phalice against your head like a beer can!

Girl: I'm sadistic so I'm gonna perform The Suck and Crush on Daniels dick lol.
Girl 2: What's The Suck and Crush?
Girl: When you crush your partners dick like a beer can
Girl 2: What the fuck holy shit. What the fuck is wrong with you- I'm telling Daniel WTF
Girl: Hahahahahaha

by ZenTheEpicManEpicly June 4, 2020

Mam crush

Longing for the motherly attention of a specific mother other than your own.
Particularly prolific in the North East of England.
Very different to the longing for a M.I.L.F.

Timmy was jealous of Jimmy's mam warming Jimmy's jammys on the radiator before bed. Timmy had a canny mam crush on Jimmy's mam like. Eee.

by cheesebagels September 30, 2014

Crushes My Smokes

Some sort of activity, indulgent, or event that get's you excited.


Some activity or event that turns negatively and really effects your mood for the rest of the day/week/month.

"Man, Hockey Night In Canada "crushes my smokes" every time.


"Every time I go out with Daniel he gets so wasted, just "crushes my smokes" for the rest of the night.

by ChefDinger May 23, 2011

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