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Draw a furry day

Draw a Furry day is held on the 29th of November, you must draw a furry even if you did or did not took part in beat a furry day and hug a furry day.

Ocean drew a furry because it is draw a furry day.

by Oceannicniceguys November 30, 2020

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AP Studio Art Drawing

A high school course from hell that hosts students who say "hey, I'm good at art, why not?", and immediately turns them into a pretentious art hoes who at the same time hate art. They didn't know what they signed up for, or else they wouldn'tve done it in the first place! Eight months, 24 pieces of art --12 breadth and 12 concentrations--, countless people saying that their art is terrible and that they should just give up, 0 souls remain. Catch 'em in the halls with a bigass portfolio, wearing mustard yellow, permanent bags under their eyes and milk and honey in hand.

Students include:

1) the "re-starter" who starts their concentration over 10 times, and only has their first piece done in March. They're "fiiiiiiiiine".

2) the "truly 2D": wisely chooses to do photography, digital art, or anything that isn't drawing. See how they finish everything a week or two early and actually stay on the in-class deadlines while everyone else is suffering.
3) the "procrastinator": hasn't brought their work home in days... maybe weeks. 3 all-nighters, 4 gallons of coffee and 5 mental breakdowns during submission week before they just make the deadline with 10 minutes to spare.
4) the "one who can't handle": Just thinks about stress and how it's going to make them stressed is already stressing them along with every person who has to hear them stress about stressing. Cries 3x a day.
5) the "one who tried to switch out... several times": why are they taking AP art? They don't even know.

Student 1: "Yo how's your concentration going AP Studio Art Drawing?"
Student 2: "Not bad, I've got 5/12"
Student 1: "...But submission is in 3 days..."
Student 2: "Yup! and so is my funeral."

by happy.lil.trees February 3, 2018

Shuffles deck, draws card

Part of a common refrain when someone, typically a social justice warrior, complains about some other group of people doing something they do not like. The complaint is often something completely random and more often than not, utterly trivial. It tends to be related to the fictional concept of cultural appropriation, but it can be about any random complaint.

The implication is that the complainer is simply venting their own hatred towards their target group, and is looking for any excuse to spout their own bigotry.

Complainer: Using a fork and putting a napkin in your lap at a Chinese restaurant is racist and clear white supremacy!

Response: Those damn white people and their...

shuffles deck, draws card,

silverware and table manners.

by MJM1985 April 4, 2020

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Eastern European Card Draw

A bogus drinking card game you play with a group and target an unsuspecting person. The whole time you (and your accomplices) work to make the subject drink as much as possible. Goal is to see how far you can push without letting them discover that there is no actual structure to the rules and they always seem to have to drink.

Examples of how Eastern European Card Draw plays out:

"Guess this card"
"Seven of Diamonds?"
"It is a Diamond, but it's a nine. And since it is Wednesday you must drink eleven sips."

"Guess this card"
"Six of Hearts"
"It's a ten of Clubs, ten minus six is four but multiply by a factor of three because you're drinking a light beer. So drink twelve."

"Guess this card"
"Ace of Hearts"
"You got it! Everyone else drink one."

by Bill Murray (really?) October 15, 2013

See median, draw symmedian

A little known trick which solves every single geometry problem in existence. It is used through drawing the isogonal conjugate of a median in a triangle after observing a median, and usually allows the use of Desargues' involution theorem to instantly finish the problem.

"How do you solve this problem?"
"See median, draw symmedian"

by xor2004 July 15, 2023

Everybody Draw Mohammed Day

A movement in pro-free speech circles to protest the public outcry among Muslims over South Park's attempted depiction of Mohammed in Episode 201. If Jesus, Buddha, Moses and any other holy figure can be mocked, Mohammed deserves no immunity- Everybody Draw Mohammed Day seeks to promote this view.

The chosen date is May 20th.

After hearing about the appalling censorship Islamofascists pressured Comedy Central into enforcing on South Park, I decided to join the "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day" group on facebook.

by KarlsP May 19, 2010

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exodia draw engine deck

A type of Deck in the Children's Card Game also known As Yu-Gi-Oh!, that's main focus is Drawing cards until you get all Five Pieces of Exodia, enabling a One-Turn-Kill. Mostly used by people with no true skill in the game, (or any imagination) as a Method for a quick and easy (and very cheap) win.
It is also the type of deck used by Generic Villains with no Genuine backstory.

Example 1:
Person 1: "Well, on DN I just dueled this guy who really lacks any true skill at children's card games, and no imagine nation at all."
Person 2: "Let me guess: exodia draw engine deck?"
Person 1: "Yep, how did you know?"
Person 2: "Well if I chose to play a children's card game back lacked any imagination and skill, that's what I would do.

Example 2:
Generic Villain: "Your friend is right Yugi, you stand no chance against my ultimate strategy."
Yami Yugi: "Let me guess: You're trying to summon Exodia: The Forbidden One?"
Generic Villain: "NO! How does he know?!"
Yami Yugi: "Well, if I were a Generic Villain with no Genuine Backstroy, that's what I would be doing too."
The above example come from YGOTAS.

by arandomobserver2 September 19, 2013