A dirty walle is where you find a picture of a big wog and then jizz in sashas mouth wile fingering a child and molesting a grandmar
Oh that wog hit me with a dirty walle
When 2 urinals are present but only one can be used for a comfortable pissing experience.
i’m not going next to you there’s Two Urinals No Walls
being in a deep slumber after a long night
after the party last night Deeker was ON THE WALL!
When you know your screwed because of your wrestling coach, so he makes you run a octagon.
Coach Daniel made the montclair wrestling team go On the wall.
When you do so much cocaine at work that you start masturbating in the bathroom stall.
I started working at Apple and this guy started WALL WOLFING every day at lunch break.
When an old man gets naked and slams his penis against a wall whilst covered in honey
‘I just saw your grandad honeycomb wall whacking