Anyone within walking distance
Even though Jon lives the next street over, he's my country neighbor because I can still walk to him
Somebody who lives in a country next to/ near yours.
Person: "Hey what country are you from? I'm Polish"
Person2: "Oh nice, i'm Ukranian."
Person: "Hey wait you're my Country Neighbor!"
Person2: "That's neat!"
just bored out of your mind with a neighbor
god jimbo, im neighbored
1. A single serving neighbor is someone who stays at a vacation rental near your permanent residents. You are neighbors with this person or people during their stay and then likely never see these them again.
2. Single serving neighbors are the neighbors you have while stay at a vacation rental and likely never interact with after you return home.
Derived from Fight Club's Single Serving Friend
My neighborhood is full of vacation rentals. All I have single serving neighbors. Here one week, gone the next.
We rented a house in an old neighborhood near the downtown area. Full of people's comings and goings. Is the guy at the end of the block a jerk? Are the kids across the street the sweet angels they seems? What is the woman next door's story? We'll never know. They are our single serving neighbors for the weekend and come Monday we'll never see them again.
something Daniel the Tiger says at the start and end of every episode of "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood" and my 4 year old ass loved it.
Daniel the Tiger says, "Wont you be my, wont you be my, wont you be my neighbor?"
neighbor replies, "Fuck off."
Opposite of The Stranger, when you lay on your arm until it falls asleep, then proceed to beat your Bro J. Simpson’s naked gun, until the juice is loose.
Love The Neighbor as Yourself
The worst thing that has ever happened to you. Responsible for many sleepless nights and unproductive days. Will not stop shitting on your lawn. Will not stop attacking you when you’re just trying to walk in the neighborhood. Worst of all, he’s the one who got your 6 month old Yorkie pregnant.
My life has been a living hell ever since my neighbors got a dog. The neighbor’s dog has messed up many aspects of my life. I can’t sit in peace in my own yard.