Brainstorm the numeric value of quantification as a method of relaxation and ascending to a higher state of emotional stability in the workplace.
In Jack in the Box, we used to blow off some numbers at least once per week. Here we are, all VPs now.
That bad Chinese takeout we ate last night made me blow my guts out. My roommate could totally hear me over Call of Duty.
Bradley ate two dozen hot wings. He was blowing his guts out all afternoon.
A rudimentary verbal expression of bliss, defined by a meathead (indigenous to the northeast region of the united states) who had the unbelievable fortune, of getting some action from a soon very regrettable chick.
One of Joey's many side chicks, went down on him in the front seat of the Eldo. Blowing his doors off while still in Park.
Also see meatwinner
The phrase "Blow a Hole In Your Pants" typically means when somebody farts/shits in their pants with such force and sound that it would make somebody believe the pure strength and heat of said fart had the power to blow a hole in their pants. Typically smells like liquid ass.
Braydon: God damn did you just blow a hole in your pants!?
Kaid: You bet your ass I did. It was wet and it smells like shit over here!
Braydon: I know, god damn check yourself.
a. Pleases me.
b. Turns me on.
a. "Yeah, I enjoyed 'The Matrix,' but a really good film like 'Run Lola Run' is more the kinda thing that really blows my skirt up."
b. "There is not one single damned so-called 'Hollywood Hunk' these days who blows my skirt up at all. Where in hell are the good-looking men?"
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A Girl who is so good at blow jobs that she would gain a black belt in the sport of nob gobbling
'betty thats wicked, you must have a black belt in the art of cum guzzling'....... i might even go as far as to say you should win a trophy for your black belt blow job. mmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!
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A lyric in a song often sung by pirates.It means to give someone such a great blowjob and for so long that they fant. It is said to refer to giving a blowjob. In pirate days it is a historical fact that among them there was a lot of guy on guy gay sex because there were few women on there ships. and it is also said that they were the first to use the word blowjob. there is a porn film set in pirate days that illustrates this.
Blow the man down refers to a blow job.
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