Because he is homeless and steals from garbage cans trying reassemble his garbage collection to give people he likes!
Look over there its Johnny 5, in the garbage can.
A term used to describe 5 types of quests, which make a bulk of quests in MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games):
1.) Destroy
2.) Deliver
3.) Discover
4.) Defend
5.) Drop
"Nobody is saying abandon the 5 D's, but you can add each quest an individual flavour.."
A term used to describe an extended time period. When one says “5 minutes” but it really implies a minimum of 15. Used colloquially for hyperbole of wait times
The final 2 minutes of a basketball game are really a Haj 5
A natural 5 star in the game summoners of the Light/Dark Attribute, only being able to get from certain scrolls within the game, including All Attribute Legendary Scrolls, and Light/Dark Scrolls.
Joe: Hey dude, I just got an LD nat 5!
John: Oh yeah, I heard you can only get those from the Light/Dark scrolls.
Stephen is a 300lb 5th grader who has this odd obsession with Wario and would always play “Wario” at recess but nobody knew what that was.
Stephen also seem to have committed the “ass ripping of 5th grade” incident. We don’t know when this happened, but it just happened.
Do you remember that kid Stephen of grade 5 who was obsessed with Wario?
A tiny route a lazy ass mailman who has been at post office for 25 years stretches out to an 8 hour job.
That's only a 5 Hour Route so why do you need overtime.
When your penis is 5 inches but still makes her moan and groan
Imma give you my 5 incher pincher