When a guy name "Jets" makes Niles think there's actually something called a 5 finger pitch
"Hey Niles do you know what a 5 finger pitch is?" "No Jets I don't?" "Oh that sucks" "I'll go search it on Urban Dictionary" "Ok" "Fuck you, There is no 5 finger pitch" "YOU ACTUALLY SEARCHED IT THOUGH!"
When you are dealt a great hand in poker, and you feel your heart thud as a consequence, whereby you must keep calm to give a good poker face and play effectively thereafter.
Guy's thoughts: "Don't look suspicious. I hope nobody could tell that I just had a 5-card thud there."
One of the most popular and recognised guitar progressions in metalcore history.
Person 1: dude! Check it, I just came up with a new riff.
Person 2: sick dude, play it for me!
Person 1: *plays 5-7-8*
Person 2: that’s sick
The Sin of Foolery
The Sin of Death
The Sin of Chaos
The Sin of Love
The Sin of Crime
The Sin of Death
The Sin of Love
the Sin of fear
The Sin of foolery
The Sin of chaos
The 5 Sins Of War
“5$starr” is another name for the rapper “Triggz”, he uses this name as a secondary for any scenario he needs it in.
“Ay is that 5$tarr triggz??”
Voke: “wamtermelon”
A state of boredom so ungodly that one types all of the keys that have a shift alternative with the original key first, then the shift key next, in a left-to-right fashion. If you see this, please get back to your assignment.
I typed `~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+{}\|;:'",<.>/? today because I was so bored that I had the immediate urge to type in whatever this is.