Contrary to popular belief, if you look at the old testament, the devils lettuce is actually a reference to dogshit nasty cilantro.
"Keep that god damn Devil's lettuce off of my tacos."
A recreational drug. Helps make life seem more relaxed.
Old man: Fucking hell, what’s that smell?
Old woman: Oh, the hippies next door are on the devil’s lettuce again!
Old man: Lucky bastards!
Sonja looks so high. I suspect that she's been smoking that devil's lettuce.
Something a new weed dealer says to try and get some street cred
Something a teenager calls weed to look cool
What the Devil grows in his backyard
YO! Dude I caught my dad smoking some Devils Lettuce
oh look! it's devil's lettuce o' clock. smell ya later jon!
Person A: "This is some good shit"
Person B: "I know, it's Whole Foods-quality devil's lettuce."