Not very bright and lacking in any common sense whatsoever
Well, bless your pea picking little heart! You are about three walls shy of a full house, ain’t you? That’s what you get for sticking your finger in an electric socket!
When someone has 2/3 of a strikeout. A Full-Count is when you take a hit from a bong, and take a shot without the beer. Or when you take a hit from a bong and chug a beer without shot.
Dude he got messed up off of that Full-Count. Thank God we forgot the beer...a Strikeout would have been to much for him.
When you’re on a date, and it’s not going so well, but you still have a chance to impress.
Last night I had a full count, managed to get on base
Absolutely no clothes on
The kids were running around in full porky pig mode.
The moment you realize she's gone for good. And then you realize you may be at fault. But then you couch it all in, "Hey, I'm just a man."
So you guys aren't a thing anymore? "Yeah, she had a point but I gotta be me, dig? So I had to go full Rundgren."