A gentleman who enjoys loitering in steam baths in the company of other nude men, for any number of other reasons - mere voyeurism; the prospect of a good, hearty romp with another like-minded fellow; or possibly he wants to check out the other chap's todger to see if it matches the description of the one his wife has been playing around with.
When the Ambassador caught Alex hanging around the steam baths, peeking at stray John Thomases, he proclaimed him to be a "Steamroom Cowboy".
Naturally, the Ambassador thought nothing of keeping the photographs of this behaviour.
cowboy fever, also sometimes called "mad cowboy disease" refers to a group of people who are madly in love with cowboys– specifically michael nesmith and/or stephen stills. this illness is to not be taken lightly, as the causes and affects are irreversible. once one is stricken with cowboy fever, there is no turning back. they will now live and die for cowboys. common symptoms are obsessively talking about michael nesmith or stephen stills, having a camera roll filled with cowboy pictures, listening to country and/or folk rock. there are many other symptoms that begin to deteriorate ones mind, leaving them completely incapsulated by cowboys. NOTE: cowboy fever is extremely infectious!!
bella: MICHAEL NESMITH!?!>#@$?#>#$!#?!>$
mimi: wait what
val: oh she has cowboy fever
mimi: oh - uh shit i think i might be coming down with cowboy fever too ...
A term coined in November of 2020 referring to the men on social media pretending to be cowboys, or pretending to do activities most generally considered to be those of actual landowners and beef producers. They most generally live in a populated urban center (town), renters, drive a truck that has the suspension altered in way to guarantee life-long front end problems, gives free advertising to hunting/outdoor companies (Salt Life) in the form of stickers on the back windshield of said wore-out truck, wears apparel designed for those who rodeo and/or work cattle when in actuality they are sacred of large animals. Other characteristics: Avid hunters of other people’s land, over extended on credit, 50% chance non-completion of high school, when asked what there favorite music is...it’s always Red Dirt.
Kyle, Chad, and Derek have really turned into a bunch of internet cowboys since they retired from gay porn.
Methods applied in a chemistry laboratory setting that are intended to cut corners and save time. It is also done frequently in poorly funded laboratories due to lack of materials.
Some examples include:
Sparging a solvent for an air sensitive reaction for 30 minutes rather than the recommended 1.5-2 hours.
Rinsing used glassware once with an organic solvent and reusing.
Choosing an acid/base on the basis of availability, rather than literature precedence.
Preceding to the next synthetic step without thorough purification.
Negative root causes for adapting these methods are typically hunger, tiredness, laziness or depression. On the other hand, these methods are often efficiently applied by those who have achieved a well developed intuition for the chemistries.
"Dude I am so hungry, I'm just gunna cowboy chem this work-up so I can get some taco-bell before they close."
"I told Dr. ______ my reaction didn't work because the starting material was oxidized, but honestly I cowboy chem'd the work-up and I think I decomposed the product."
"Rules are made so that the less adept make as few mistakes as possible. If you're smart you can do some cowboy chemistry to save a lot of time and materials."
"How did you finish the synthesis that fast?" -- "Cowboy chemistry lol".
1. A person who is a pussy
2. Someone bitches a lot
3. A person acting in a cunt like manner
John is a Kotex cowboy today
Someone, who can zone out in every situation.
They are bad at multitasking, but have thousands of thoughts at the same time.
“Hello?! Are you listening to me? Come back to Earth! You are a literal Space cowboy…”
3👍 4👎
Condition in which one worked so hard he can't get a full erection, but the callouses developed riding in the saddle makes the penis feel hard.
Mike: After all these years on horseback I think I may have given myself ED.
Jane: yeah but at least you're cowboy hard
Mike: *silence*