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bag season

a sports season in which athletes achieve their goals.

Do you understand me? It’s bag season

by Noah Fernandez October 11, 2017

21👍 8👎

tis the season

It typically refers to the time before Christmas, which can be defined as anywhere from October to December 24th.

Adam-Bro, I can't wait to get all my presents this year for Christmas.

Jake- I know man, tis the season.

by Websterdictionary23 October 28, 2013

321👍 193👎

Blowjob Season

The time of the month when ones' spouse or sexual relation has a useless vagina.

Jermaine : 'Yo Andy, did you bang that chick the other night?'

Andy : 'Na man it's blowjob season, I got some head!'

Jermaine : 'Blowjob season is the best'

by FunkiestCoffee July 12, 2010

15👍 5👎

Rosé Season

Rosé Season is a lifestyle for all seasons. The rosé lifestyle is popular among pretty people enjoying pretty cocktails in pretty places.

Rosé triggers positive emotions and memories, which helps explain the rise of popularity on social media. Popular hashtags include #RoséSeason, #RoséAllDay and #YesWayRosé.

True Rosé Seasoners know that the season never ends, but it is most popular in warmer, summer months. Rosé Seasoners typically reside in NYC, Miami, LA, Dallas and Chicago, but you can find them summering in the Hamptons and wintering in Aspen. They also spend part of their summer in other luxurious and exclusive destinations, such as on yachts and beach clubs in St. Tropez, Mykonos, Ibiza, the Amalfi Coast and Croatia. In the wintertime, they will head to chateaus and mountain chalets in the Alps, or they will seek warmer weather in Australia, South Africa and Southeast Asia.

Rosé Season is the best season!

by Rosé Season June 21, 2018

Whoring Season

When a young woman or a man abandons their morals to explore and experiment with as many sexual partners.

I don’t think Katie will be settling down anytime soon I think she might be going through her whoring season.

by Charlie Snake August 7, 2018

drag season

The time of year when boys are tired of girl's shit so they start dragging aka being a man hoe. They will talk to other girls at once and stop being a loyal man for the duration of 1-6 months.

Man its drag season i dont care anymore.

by Dat_kidd_kell November 11, 2017

Truffle Season

Tuxedos for no reason

-“Hey Jay Z, where are you headed all dressed up in that tuxedo?”

-“Nowhere, baby. It’s Truffle Season.”

by AnotherTampaOriginal May 17, 2019