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Wuhan Revenge

When you know who gave you Covid the first time so you purposely bump into them when you get it again.

I'm going into work on monday to give my boss the old Wuhan Revenge.

by Snitty85 September 22, 2023

Revenge bullying

Treating someone as less than human because you thought they were never anything else besides a bully. Thinking you deserve better treatment than everyone else, while treating somebody else like shit yourself.

According to some people it's okay to bully, as long as they're the ones doing it, since they know who the bullies are, and bullying someone who's a bully is right. With revenge bullying, someone can look innocent when its convenient, and look like the badass when its convienient.

by Solid Mantis April 22, 2020

1👍 1👎

Chartwell's Revenge

diarrhea suffered by travelers, especially students eating Chartwells.

Montezuma's Revenge, But for Chartwells

Man that burger form Chartwells is already hitting.

Bro, you got Chartwell's Revenge already?

by Chartwells' Revenge August 30, 2020

Revenge Pussy

When you have been wronged by the opposite gender, and you seek revenge on your ex with the same sex.

Damn Brad fucked my sister I guess now I have to get some revenge pussy

by AAAHHH The Third April 9, 2019

asian revenge

What happens when someone messes with the wrong little Asian

Asian revenge coming for you

by Monister January 18, 2016

shiva's revenge

The aftermath of a curry-centric dinner the night before.

"I had Indian food last night and I've been suffering Shiva's Revenge all day today."

by CurryVictim3 February 26, 2016

Revenge Caking

The passive aggressive eating of cake when angry.

My friend began revenge caking when I couldn't meet up with her to eat the birthday cake she had bought me.

by BubnLud September 2, 2017