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Movie aftermath

The impact of a movie on a person after watching it is known as a movie aftermath.

I had a bad Movie aftermath after watching black swan. It disturbed me.

by sadrg March 10, 2011

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gangster movie

(noun) is when someone turns an ordinary, routine affair into the most dramatic, biggest screw up the world has ever seen.

1) Geez mom, did you have to turn that three point turn into a gangster movie? You just ran over that dog!

2) My boss totally turned my request for next Saturday off into a gangster movie when he said he had to report this to everyone in the frickin building.

by SigmundVignus April 7, 2010

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A movie chosen specifically as background noise for a couple to makeout or engage in other amorous activities.

Hey lets watch Pretty Woman!

Isn't that a makeout-movie?

My point.

by monniemio November 13, 2012

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manchild movie

A kids' movie for adults.

He asked me to come see Deadpool with him, but I'm not into manchild movies.

by funeralbitch February 15, 2016

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Home Movie

Home-made porno movie.

Kath tapped herself getting fucked.

by <insert> October 1, 2004

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Dinner and a movie

A date involving oral sex followed by intercourse.

Girl to friend: "So, how was your date? What did you do?"

Friend: "It was great. Dinner and a movie."

Girl: "Wow, on the first date?!"

by north021884 March 10, 2011

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Nigga Movie

The Nigga Movie is a comedy that pulls out all the stereotypes of black urban culture. It can be a bigot's paradise because he gets to see all his prejudices played out as he would expect them. At the same time, black viewers see it for the parody and satire that it is and enjoy it anyway.

A Nigga Movie is a powerful marketing tool to sell junk to gullible niche market viewers who want to identify with the movie.

A Nigga Movie can also be a serious drama that addresses problems in the 'hood usually kept secret to outsiders. The Serious Nigga Movie plays out those predicaments that cause blacks to not cooperate with police, even if the victim is denied justice as a result.

The average white viewer gets a voyeur's adventure into the 'hood once a Nigga Movie comes out in DVD!

by Phat Albert November 23, 2007

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