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spread hole

Another term for bowel movement, typically used when the BM will be large or unusual.

β€œThat Taco Bell went right through me, I’m gonna need to spread hole when I get home!”

by Stev0912 September 7, 2019

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Busting Spread

(v.) the act of walking between two people, predominantly couples, while these said peoples are in the act of holding hands.

While walking down the street, you see a young couple holding hands. Since you are a beast, you decide to walk between the couple and break their hand holding party.

Victim: "Hey man what the hell!?"
"BS"er: " Sorry dude, just doin my job of busting spread all over the world."
Victim (under his breath):"That guy is awesome."

by BoSoxMan May 29, 2008

4πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Man Spread

When someone is a douchebag so they spread their legs so wide and take up so much space aka SJJ

Me: SJJ you man spread the whole car ride to Tennessee. Please stop I’m begging you.

SJJ: Idc lmao

by bihdontsetmeup June 7, 2019

11πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

lamb spread

lambmeat/rack of lamb fancifully prepared with all the trimmings

"I shot dread in the head, took the bread n the lamb spread"

-Notorious B.I.G.
freestyle onstage-Madison Square Garden

by gobblin October 7, 2005

32πŸ‘ 144πŸ‘Ž

spread fucked

When trading options, a wide spread between the bid and ask doesn't let you enter/exit a position at a decent price.

M was trading WYNN calls but lost $75 -- got spread fucked.

by momotrader February 16, 2018

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Spread spoon

Spooning with a difference. A spread spoon is 1 leg straight and 1 bent, your partner would have 1 straight and the bent leg would be wedged between the cheeks of your ass.

I can't wait to get to bed and spread spoon with u. Other... Marking territory for the night with the spread spoon. I'll take ur eyes out bitch, this is my patch! :)

by Wutanglou June 16, 2015

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Shotgun Spread

If a man is urinating under normal circumstances the urine leaves in a straight line, which makes it very easy to aim. However it can happen, after rough nights, that this flow is not a perfect line but rather a shotgun spread, meaning the flow goes everywhere but the intended target area.

"Sorry it took me so long on the bathroom. I had to clean up after I enjoyed a shotgun spread."

by creiss October 10, 2009

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