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A repeated offence by one or more people that hurts someone physically or emotionally.

Jonathan is bullying me, every morning he calls me names or trips me over.

by JJenni March 15, 2018

43๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


A bully is someone who gets kicked in the ass by karma for being such a jerk - growing up to be nothing more than a cement mixer.

Me: \"Hey, how are you, long time no see. What have you been up to?\"
Bully: \"Not much, just mixin cement.\"
Me: \"Sucks to be you, good luck with your life.\"

by Ashley April 27, 2005

362๐Ÿ‘ 88๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone who dominate others through intimidation

Don't try to bully him into something he don't want to do.

by Gerard Irick September 7, 2009

55๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who either verbally bullys someone or physically.

If i called you fat it would be verbal bullying.
And if i kicked you in the shins it would be physical bullying.

by Mikey Rowlands December 9, 2006

163๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž


Stupid dumbasses who have nothing better to do than pick on weaker victims. These assholes really need to get a life. Also the cause of violence and crimes in society.

Me: Shit! Did you see that? Those guys just robbed a bank! They must be a victim of bullying.

by StraightFMan December 10, 2005

1130๐Ÿ‘ 325๐Ÿ‘Ž


One who typically interacts with others, particularly those percieved as weaker or less powerful, by using tactics of fear and intimidation for the purpose of exercising undue, inappropriate and often arbitrary control over them. The word is derived from the word "bull", and that animal's generally agressive behavior.

The bully is generally interested in power for its own sake and for the sensation of strength it brings them, as opposed to a strategic use of power for the purpose of attaining some specific result. This sensation of strength is of particular value to the bully as it often serves to counteract, at least superficially, underlying self-doubt as to the bully's own value and worth.

Bully can be used as a noun (a bully) or a verb (to bully), which simply means to display the behavior exhibited by a bully.

(n): He was afraid to walk home from school alone for fear that Tom, a neighborhood bully, would spot him.

(v): His father was an insecure man who would often bully his own children simply to impress his drinking buddies.

by Gregory Ross May 28, 2006

145๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who, at school, is too lazy to work and sees no reason why any one else should. Despite their parading about, bullies are physical cowards who will only pick on those weaker than themselves. They usually finish up in and out of jail or serving behind the fish counter until they're 70. Bullies can also be found in the work-place, or hanging around streets and pubs looking for trouble. Grown-up bullies are basically schoolboys who've never grown up, usually because they can't deal with the adult world. Many bullies are short-arses with an inferiority complex which means they have to try to prove themselves. They are usually dated by sleazy blondes with an IQ of 4 between them. Teachers can also be bullies, which means that bullying problems among the school-children don't go away as the bullying teachers pick on the weaker boys.

That pair of bullies have just pushed someone onto the ground and repeatedly kicked him in the face and head. They then ran away before he could get up. What big brave men they are. I want them to arse-bandit me. All worship the bully.

by Stormsworder April 2, 2007

122๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž