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awkward bukkake

A variation of awkward starfish. A hand motion in which a person places their palm, with fingers stretched and spread out, on their face and sticks their tongue out. This resembles the act of bukkake.

When Mr. Smith made that inappropriate comment to that little girl, we did an awkward bukkake . . . because the situation was awkward . . . and because a little girl was involved.

by afaiiiiiiiiii October 11, 2010

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Awkward Squirtle

when someone makes a FAILED pokemon reference

made up in Smiles's BlogTV show

"I like to spank my mankey sometimes"

wow that was an awkward squirtle

by PwnsTehNubs August 7, 2008

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Awkward Aloha

When you go on a "romantic" Hawaiian vacation with your ex-fiance who doesn't know you aren't trying to "work things out" in a tropical paradise but are, in fact, moving out as soon as you return home.

Sarah: Heather's on Maui with her ex.

Erin: Isn't she moving out next week?

Sarah: Yes.

Erin: Awkward Aloha!

by Mean Tricks January 11, 2011

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awkward shoe

When the "awkward turtle" does not suffice your awkwardly needs, just remove a shoe, and place it in the center of the awkwardness aroma. Thus, relieving all scents of awkwardness.

Someone brought up the topic of marriage, I then proceeded to take off my right shoe, (my awkward shoe) and placed it in the center of the group. It caused the awkwardness to go away. Like magic.

by bolognasamich September 2, 2007

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A coversation between two or more people saying awkward things. Whoever says the most awkward thing wins.

Person 1: Wanna have an Awkward-off?

Person 2: Sure.

Person 1: I made love to your sister last night.

Person 2: Ive gone gay for Justin Bieber.

Person 1: Okay you win.

by Awkward-off time!!! August 13, 2010

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Awkward phone

A situation in which a girl can feel a guy's phone in his pocket, usually while grinding; however, the "phone" in question is ambiguous.

Danggg I could feel Palladium's awkward phone

by ikoons.asil October 18, 2010

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Awkward Vulva

In the vein of "awkward animals" one creates with one's hands during an awkward lull in the conversation- the awkward vulva is performed by making both hands into a mouth-like shape, with the thumbs forming the bottom jaw and the fingers overlapped forming the upper jaw, so to speak. then open and close the "mouth." True, the Awkward Vulva is oriented horizontally, unlike a true vulva, but it is, after all, an AWKWARD vulva. it is accompanied by the chant "Awkward Vulva!" *clap clap, clap-clap-clap* (to the tune of "its all over")

Guy #1: Man, that sandwich was delicious!
Hot Asian Chick: oh really? was it a dick sandwich?
Guy #1: yes.
Guy #2: AWKWARD VULVA! *clap clap, clap-clap-clap*

by ladelfull_of_soup October 17, 2010

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