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sheep shagger

An insult aimed at anyone in rural areas, particularly most of Yorkshire and, of all of Yorkshire, particularly Leeds. Can also be called mutton molestors or ovine abusers, but sheep shaggers just sounds better!

Leeds United "fans" are a bunch of sheep shaggers!
Sheep shagging scum, in fact.
I will laugh so much if the fuckin' sheep shaggers get relegated again!

Sheep, sheep, sheep shagger!

Oh Elland Road (Oh Elland Road)
Is full of sheep (is full of sheep)
Oh Elland Road is full of sheep
It's full of sheep, sheep and more sheep
Oh Elland Road is full of sheep!

by joannedj January 14, 2007

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Pink Sheep

A character. Purposely cocky and fucking annoying. Too bad his fans don't get that he is a character and are even worse.

"pink sheep sucks"

by PI55 September 3, 2018

13๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

sheep pimp

A pimp of sheep. Usually found in Wales, or else is a Welsh talking... gentleman.

"Damn that sheep pimp, he feckin' gave me a ram!"

by Ant October 9, 2004

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Sheep leg

Big long stringy buger hanging out of someone nose. Pasadena Texas

"Did you see the size of the sheep leg on him?"

by Rach February 10, 2005

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sheep shagger

People Who engage in this "pastime" are usually found south of the greater city in the north west liverpool commonly it is an activity holiday for mancs they go to wales find a farm which isnt hard then they fcuk sheep. the reasoning behind this is the girls in manchester are so disgusting it burns your eyes and scouse girls have the common sense not to touch this hideous specimen

Scouser:- Why do u shag Sheep?
Manc:- whats it to do with you ar kid?
Scouser 'bang' chekky sheep shagger

by Simundo September 15, 2006

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Sheep Herder

1. An individual who tends to sheep.

2. A Homosexual, usually used as an insult. Derived it's origins from the 2005 film, Brokeback Mountain in which to the two main characters who are Homosexual are also Sheep Herders.

1. "The Sheep Herder walked with his flock, tending to them."

2. "That guy tried to grab my jock, what a Sheep Herder."

by Throbbin P. Ness June 18, 2006

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shaun the sheep

fat ugly sheep ., like grasses

its shaun the sheep. its shaun the sheep

by shaun the January 30, 2018

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