One who is caught in the act of lurching among friends and family.
Titanas was born a lurch crab and is destined to always remain one.
When you imitate a crab while your friend jacks you off.
Old Johnny Boy and his friends like to do the ole crab fap during the summer.
1. An illness which involves pubic lice, a.k.a. crabs, which have herpes. Most likely found on those who choose not to shower.
2. What you tell someone your ex has.
Dwayne: Man, yo so dirtay, your crabs got the herps.
Shawn: you got the "Crab-Herps" from the girl down the hall, too?
2👍 1👎
A fictional (sexually transmitted disease) that causes extreme discomfort when urinating.
Internal crabs do not exist BUT watch your buddy's face when you tell him he has them.
Man #1: Dude, I boned this chick the other night without a (jimmy) and now it burns like crazy when I (piss).
Man #2: Maybe it's the internal crabs.
Man #1: The what?
Man #2: Maybe she had (crabs). They probably jumped out of your pubes and crawled up into your (dick hole) while you were asleep.
Man #1: You're full of shit!
Man #2: Dude, the internal crabs. I'm telling you. They're trying to chew their way back out of the tip of your dick. That's why your piss burns.
Man#1: Jesus, that skank gave me the internal crabs!
Man #2: Get thee to a doctor, bro. They're fatal.
Man did you hear that crab it was making a crazy crab noise *crab noise*
An STD you get from priests.
Every time I was an alter boy, I somehow ended up getting cardinal crabs.
A shit enemy in the roblox game Bee swarm simulator. It drops shit loot and is only used for accessing the coconut cave. Spawns in 35 bee zone.