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American people tend to forget that America was discovered by and named after an Italian. Also they have a distorted view on Italians given by the fact that they're surrounded by ''''Italian''''' americans - people who have nothing to do with Italy whatsoever, like if my ancestors were American but I'd never been there even once in my life that wouldn't make me American. Bless y'all.

"Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer, navigator, and colonizer, born in the Republic of Genoa, in what is today northwestern Italy.2345 Under the auspices of the Catholic Monarchs of Spain, he completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean that led to general European awareness of the American continents." - Wiki

"Amerigo Vespucci was an Italian explorer, financier, navigator and cartographer who first demonstrated that Brazil and the West Indies did not represent Asia's eastern outskirts as initially conjectured from Columbus' voyages, but instead constituted an entirely separate landmass hitherto unknown to Afro-Eurasians. Colloquially referred to as the New World, this second super continent came to be termed "America",deriving its name from the feminized Latin version of Vespucci's first name.12" - Wiki

by itsmesix April 28, 2013

12๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Random order:
1) A potpourri of different people who have things in common.
2) Hosts thieves and cheaters from either underdeveloped countries or the Naples area
3) Great cuisine in all regions
4) Sucks in manners and govermental system, which it admits but is too lazy to do anything about it
5) Poorest organization on the planet but still good in quality
6) Is great fun and you would never want to go or you'd miss it the minute you leave
7) Most beautiful place ever cos there isn't a landscape you can't see there (although many other countries do have breath-taking things to see Italy is still the sublime in variety)
8) The buses come by pure chance (at least now they are mostly displayed IF they're coming)
9) The capital has the crappiest (so to say) metro in Europe and many cities are buried under cars and trash (lazy or just politically corrupted)
10) Beautiful language, culture people..just that some dicks ruin it
11) Screw generalizations but the hottest guys I've ever met are Italian (also the kindest and meanest)
12) Be realistic and don't say Italy copied from what's and what's because that's like saying America didn't copy from everyone (which they do badly too)
13) Come on what's wrong with ditching Germany when your on the wrong side; what would you do oh you brave people - it wasn't like they were best friends come on Hitler just puppetted (even if that's not a word) Mussolini!! And look, they threw over the one who allied with Germany so ha! Plus what kind of GENERALIZATIONS seriously, you can only make them if you've lived here and have had the same exact experience so many times. Like as if no other European people were hairy - PUH-lease!
14) At least Italians have good reasons to be arrogant even if I don't find anything so irritating about it like I do with French people (I've heard them even admit their arrogance)
15) Italians have done great things in their past and present - can't generalize something so broad you probably don't know nothing about; maybe they prefer to live a life than to be whiz kids (not that I'm supporting ignorance or anything; in fact, their current education system sucks even if they have very learned people who actually do something).
16) Their cars aren't that bad; my Dad's Fiat is fine in function and aspect even after like 10 years.. plus you got to admit the Ferrari is the hottest car ever. As for the TV, well get the satellite one if you don't always like what there showing - I just watch Italian MTV and some other nice programs on other channels (although there's so much crap good programs DO exist)
17) Man I can't list all of the things that define Italy but the biggest one is the spontaneity even if the more south you go the more rude the men get
18) To conclude, there are many different kind of Italys; some towns/cities (esp. north) are clean, organized etc. while others are a mess. In general there's great food everywhere and it's almost always possible to do good cheap shopping. Italians nowadays DO speak English and if they have studied decently have a decent pronounciation (sometimes just regional accents or little practice make them sound bad)
19) I'm no soccer fanatic but I believe that they have really talented players (just because their technique isn't that great you just can't say they suck - plus these are more generalizations which I'm forced to use myself to oppose such stupid arguments)
20) Italy rules, just have to watch out and you'll live a great/pleasurable/fun life

Arrogant/stupid person: "Italy SUCKS because of its government and delinquents even if it has a great culture, cuisine, people, landscape, architecture, nature, beauty, language, literature, science, history, sport etc."
Smart person: Stop being jealous just because Italians Do It Better. If you can't stand Italy, stop eating your pizza, your spaghetti, and leave your Ferrari at home. Oh yeah, and throw out every single movie that has actors with Italian heritage in it and shun every work of Raphael, Leonardo or Michelangelo you see. Don't forget to disown your Italian grandparents if you have any, and dump your hot Italian girl/boyfriend. By the way, stop using the Italian words of musical terminology, Italian cuisine (broccoli, cauliflower, artichoke, biscotti, pasta, pizza, capuccino, coffee, caviar, grappa, lasagna, panini, parmesan, pistachio, pepperoni, ravioli, salami, soda)plus "pronto", "paparazzi", "arkade", "artisan", "balcony", "carpet", "cartoon", "corridor", "fiasco", "torso", "ciao", "ghetto", "bagatelle", "dome", "facade", "motto", "novel", "pun", "sonnet", "stanza", "flu", "malaria", "lava", "race", "rocket", "carnival", "volcano", "alert", "brilliant", "alarm", "gallery", "fresco", "graffiti", "grotesque", "mascara", "cash", "casino", "credit", "disaster", "masquerade", "gusto", "portfolio", "risk", "skirmish", "mask", "bravo", "medal", "pistol", "bizarre", "group", "buffalo", "cartridge", "cash" "miniature", "model", "ditto", "cannon", "brave", "mosaic"," porcelain","tra ffic", "umbrella", "replica", "saloon", "sketch", "policy", "studio", "mustache", "extravagance", "courtesan", "radio", "finale", "giraffe", "archipelago", "carat", "tariff", "zero", "arsenal", "lottery", "lotto", "magazine", "bulletin", "assassin", "pants", "parasol", "pilot", "manage", "ogre", "attack", "attitude", "caress", "bimbo", "caravan", "ballerina", "ballet", "balloon", "colonel", "bank", "bankrupt", "virtue" and even "candy" because they're all Italian derivatives.

by carmencita89 November 13, 2006

71๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž


Random order:
1) A potpourri of different people who have things in common.
2) Hosts thieves and cheaters from either underdeveloped countries or the Naples area
3) Great cuisine in all regions
4) Sucks in manners and govermental system, which it admits but is too lazy to do anything about it
5) Poorest organization on the planet but still good in quality
6) Is great fun and you would never want to go or you'd miss it the minute you leave
7) Most beautiful place ever cos there isn't a landscape you can't see there (although many other countries do have breath-taking things to see Italy is still the sublime in variety)
8) The buses come by pure chance (at least now they are mostly displayed IF they're coming)
9) The capital has the crappiest (so to say) metro in Europe and many cities are buried under cars and trash (lazy or just politically corrupted)
10) Beautiful language, culture people..just that some dicks ruin it
11) Screw generalizations but the hottest guys I've ever met are Italian (also the kindest and meanest)
12) Be realistic and don't say Italy copied from what's and what's because that's like saying America didn't copy from everyone (which they do badly too)
13) Come on what's wrong with ditching Germany when your on the wrong side; what would you do oh you brave people - it wasn't like they were best friends come on Hitler just puppetted (even if that's not a word) Mussolini!! And look, they threw over the one who allied with Germany so ha! Plus what kind of GENERALIZATIONS seriously, you can only make them if you've lived here and have had the same exact experience so many times. Like as if no other European people were hairy - PUH-lease!
14) At least Italians have good reasons to be arrogant even if I don't find anything so irritating about it like I do with French people (I've heard them even admit their arrogance)
15) Italians have done great things in their past and present - can't generalize something so broad you probably don't know nothing about; maybe they prefer to live a life than to be whiz kids (not that I'm supporting ignorance or anything; in fact, their current education system sucks even if they have very learned people who actually do something).
16) Their cars aren't that bad; my Dad's Fiat is fine in function and aspect even after like 10 years.. plus you got to admit the Ferrari is the hottest car ever. As for the TV, well get the satellite one if you don't always like what there showing - I just watch Italian MTV and some other nice programs on other channels (although there's so much crap good programs DO exist)
17) Man I can't list all of the things that define Italy but the biggest one is the spontaneity even if the more south you go the more rude the men get
18) To conclude, there are many different kind of Italys; some towns/cities (esp. north) are clean, organized etc. while others are a mess. In general there's great food everywhere and it's almost always possible to do good cheap shopping. Italians nowadays DO speak English and if they have studied decently have a decent pronounciation (sometimes just regional accents or little practice make them sound bad)
19) I'm no soccer fanatic but I believe that they have really talented players (just because their technique isn't that great you just can't say they suck - plus these are more generalizations which I'm forced to use myself to oppose such stupid arguments)
20) Italy rules, just have to watch out and you'll live a great/pleasurable/fun life

Arrogant/stupid person: "Italy SUCKS because of its government and delinquents even if it has a great culture, cuisine, people, landscape, architecture, nature, beauty, language, literature, science, history, sport etc."
Smart person: Stop being jealous just because Italians Do It Better. If you can't stand Italy, stop eating your pizza, your spaghetti, and leave your Ferrari at home. Oh yeah, and throw out every single movie that has actors with Italian heritage in it and shun every work of Raphael, Leonardo or Michelangelo you see. Don't forget to disown your Italian grandparents if you have any, and dump your hot Italian girl/boyfriend. By the way, stop using the Italian words of musical terminology, Italian cuisine (broccoli, cauliflower, artichoke, biscotti, pasta, pizza, capuccino, coffee, caviar, grappa, lasagna, panini, parmesan, pistachio, pepperoni, ravioli, salami, soda)plus "pronto", "paparazzi", "arkade", "artisan", "balcony", "carpet", "cartoon", "corridor", "fiasco", "torso", "ciao", "ghetto", "bagatelle", "dome", "facade", "motto", "novel", "pun", "sonnet", "stanza", "flu", "malaria", "lava", "race", "rocket", "carnival", "volcano", "alert", "brilliant", "alarm", "gallery", "fresco", "graffiti", "grotesque", "mascara", "cash", "casino", "credit", "disaster", "masquerade", "gusto", "portfolio", "risk", "skirmish", "mask", "bravo", "medal", "pistol", "bizarre", "group", "buffalo", "cartridge", "cash" "miniature", "model", "ditto", "cannon", "brave", "mosaic"," porcelain","tra ffic", "umbrella", "replica", "saloon", "sketch", "policy", "studio", "mustache", "extravagance", "courtesan", "radio", "finale", "giraffe", "archipelago", "carat", "tariff", "zero", "arsenal", "lottery", "lotto", "magazine", "bulletin", "assassin", "pants", "parasol", "pilot", "manage", "ogre", "attack", "attitude", "caress", "bimbo", "caravan", "ballerina", "ballet", "balloon", "colonel", "bank", "bankrupt", "virtue" and even "candy" because they're all Italian derivatives.

by carmencita89 May 14, 2008

50๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


many dictators, including Octavian, Mussolini, and wordBerlusconi/word.

despite its problems, italy is home to the hottest people in the world.

by the no name guy in GTA3 who blew out more hankook October 13, 2003

136๐Ÿ‘ 152๐Ÿ‘Ž


the italians are the most beautiful people in the world, they are originally "white people", people from north europe were barbarian not white, before they got mixed with those artistic looking italians

a hot american guy is bound to have italian ancestry

italy rules

by didier April 24, 2007

61๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž


Land of pasta and pizza stereotypes, foreign cars, and memes about Italian plumbers.

Home of Fascism, Mussolini and the inability to invade Greece.

See also : Switch Teams

Germany : Hey Britain we have Italy what have you got?
Britain : A competent ally that won't switch sides and will keep fighting.
Germany : ...

by LordMemesburyIII March 17, 2019

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of the best places to go. If you visit go to Rome, the Vatican, Tuscany, and the Amalfi Coast. A country were you can find all the best food and sites to see. The people are truly a breed all their own. It's like the Hotel California..."You can check out any time you want...but you never really leave. If you go there for even a little while you will never want to leave...you will wish you livd there and if your do live there...YOU LUCKY BASTARD! I just got back 2weeks ago and I already want to go back

Person 1: I just got back from Italy...I want to go back!

Person 2: you lucky bastard! I wish I could go...I heard the food there is amazing.

by American abroad July 25, 2012

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž