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Saddam's revenge

During the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Coalition forces were often sickened by the poor hygiene conditions that exist for an invading military. The various stomach bugs that troops would be inflicted with were referred to by them as "Saddam's revenge".

"With ailments ranging from β€œSaddam’s revenge” stomach bugs to infections caused by bad hygiene, hundreds of soldiers are lining up at sick call instead of patrolling front lines." (Source: "Troops' health woes run gamut from 'Saddam's revenge' to severe stress" By MARNI MCENTEE | STARS AND STRIPES
Published: October 29, 2003)

"I'll be right back, I got a bad case of Saddam's revenge." (grabs shovel to walk out into the desert and go)

by dontuseyourrealname3 July 11, 2017

Saddam Hussain

A misspelling of Saddam Hussein, once the dictator of Iraq. Mainly the spelling used by AOLers and stupid people.

AOLer: Saddam Hussain has been captured OMG!!11!!

by Hawk January 4, 2004

42πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Saddam Hussien

Captured Mother Fucker

They found Saddam's bitch ass in a hole.

by dickweed December 14, 2003

119πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

Saddam Hussein

The guy on South Park that likes to fuck Satan.

by fedzMONKER July 3, 2003

562πŸ‘ 269πŸ‘Ž

Saddam Hussein

Ex-dictator of Iraq whom today was sentenced to death by hanging.

Saddam Hussein was one of history's most terrible dictators.

by stan21 November 5, 2006

281πŸ‘ 157πŸ‘Ž

Saddam Hussein

Is in US custody.

I hid in a spider hole and got caught with 3/4 of a million USD. And had a gun, but didnt use it.

by Rodney Hamburg December 15, 2003

249πŸ‘ 175πŸ‘Ž

Saddam Hussein

Tyrannical dictator who brought himself to power amid a power struggle between the Baathists and the royal family who ruled Iraq originally.

Saddam Hussein opressed his people with an iron fist comparable to that of Hitler and his Nazis.

Saddam Hussein supported the Palestinian terror groups such as Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Yasser Arafat himself who kill innocent civilians (both Israeli and Palestinian) and then whine about Isreal. Saddam may not have been connected to the attacks of September 11th, 2001, but he did have ties to Al Queda and trained and funded various Al Queda terrorists. This inhcluded Ramsi Youself, the mastermind behind the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.

True, the US supported him when Iran became an enemy, but that was under the principle of "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." But during that era, Britain, France and Germany also supported him, as did Russia and China, so claiming that he was put into power by the US and that the US alone supported him is completely and utterly false (this goes double for the leftists and euro-whiners complaining about the issue here and not doing any real research to get the facts).

Saddam Hussein used the UN's Oil for Food program for his own ends, starving his own people and France and Germany opposed the war because they had huge oil investments with Saddam Hussein. If the US was really after the oil, we would have simply bought it from him instead of going through the trouble of invading (once again that goes double for the clueless europeans and liberals).

Saddam did have weapons of mass destruction. He gassed his own people and refused to disarm them despite a TWELVE YEAR EFFORT by the to pressure him into disarming. Right now, the American and Polish forces are regularly uncovering nerve gas that he was supposed to destroy.

Now Saddam is in custody and will be executed soon.

by I_Hate_Liberals September 9, 2004

550πŸ‘ 443πŸ‘Ž