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Verb: The act of luring an audience of science fiction or fantasy fans into a theater with promises of spectacular special effects demonstrating un-earthly super powers, only to disappoint viewers with drawn-out, boring, and laborious love stories.

Man, I'm embarrassed to admit I fell victim to the most recent twilighting movie release...I Am Number Four made me glad I "missed" the first three.

by Calvin at heart February 23, 2011

3πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


A terrible book written by the new hit author, Stephanie Meyer. It's about a 'smart' girl who throws her life away for a abusive boyfriend, and is also rather 'sophisticated' due to the fact that she likes Shakespeare - however, she has only been seen reading such books once or so, and seems to have little or no impact on her. Other main characters are the abusive boyfriend and an equally abusive friend, two guys who fight over her for most of the series. The interesting characters lack development, and are only there to take up space.

Obsessive fans of Twilight are called 'Twitards;' strange, rabid creatures that one should be very cautious around. They are known to flame forums with offensive reviews in all caps with horrible grammar, and in more violent cases when their pathetic book is insulted, they may claw your eyes out, bite your head off (literally), stab you repeatedly, burn you at the stake, or fix cement boots to your feet and drop you into a quarry.

If you see a Twitard or the book their cult is circled around, DO NOT MAKE DIRECT EYE CONTACT. Twitards need little or no reason to attack you, and the book has the power to burn your eyes out with one glance. Should you glance at the book, you must cleanse your eyes IMMEDIATELY by reading all of the Harry Potter books in quick succession, followed closely by watching all of the movies. It would be a good idea to also watch the Potter Puppet Pals or A Very Potter Musical (found on YouTube) just in case.

Me: "I just told a chick that I didn't like Twilight...."

My Friend: "HOLY SHIT! Are you okay?! What did she do?!?!?!"

Me: "She tried to burn me at the stake, saying that I must have been polluted by the witchcraft in Harry Potter...."

My Friend: "...Do I really want to know what you did to her?"

Me: "No."

My Friend: "Tell me anyw-"

Me: "Trust me. You really don't."

by aint-no-muggle November 18, 2010

12πŸ‘ 81πŸ‘Ž


Twilight is a book by Stephanie Meyers. It is the bible of the 21st century. The book can be compared to how Hitler was addicted to getting rid of the jews. As Twilight is addicting.

Woah, Twilight is the best book ever!


OMG you have to read Twilight!

Don't conform to Twilight! It's a poor mans Harry Potter.

by youdontknowmeha October 12, 2008

14πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž


A book by Stephenie Meyer about a girl named Bella Swan who moves to Forks, Washington and meets a mysterious boy named Edward Cullen. Once she learns his secret, that he is a vampire, they end up falling in love.

Twilight is the best book.

by Twilight Princess November 28, 2006

39πŸ‘ 352πŸ‘Ž


A book written by Stephenie Meyer. It is loved by obsessed Edward-lovers and hated by people just because every one tells them it's cool to hate twilight.

The books were just like any other good books, nothing too demanding or difficult, just a nice book you would read on the beach. But since this huge hype started, hearing the word "twilight" annoys me already, and it makes people, who never bothered to read it, hate it.

Normal person who read "Twilight": "It's a quite nice book. No Shakespeare, but just like any other easy-to-read book."

Obsessed little fan: "OMG it's lyke SOO AMAZINQQ duhh imma marry EDWARD hahaha <33333"

Average People: "I never read it, and I don't have an own opinion. All I do is saying I hate it and diss it, when really it's the FANS that freak me out!!!!!"

by Klakakaka February 1, 2010

2πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


About a klutzy, whiny, stupid, two-faced b-tch so-called 'heroine'who can't walk in a straight line. Her name is Bella. Bella's parents are divorced and she lives with her Dad. Her Dad is a blind motherf-cking retard who does not do ANYTHING to be a good father. Bella has to choose between an annoying, stalker so-called 'vampire' (who f-cking sparkles, and his name is Edward) and a manipulative, jacka-s, pedophile werewolf named Jacob. Edward's main hobby is watching Bella sleep. Most people would find this creepy, but now it's accepted because everything Edward does is apparently "gorgeous and perfect". Edward also enjoys eating lions and smashing things to show how 'strong' he is. Edward is a 118 year old virgin, which is not surprising at all. Edward, being a p-ssy, runs away to Italy and wants to kill himself for Bella's 'safety'.Jacob's main hobby taking off all of his shirts and throwing them into the trash (if he even owns a shirt). Jacob also has an anger management problem. He is a borderline pedophile who falls in love with vampire babies. He thinks that he is so motherf-cking gorgeous and wants to have puppies with Bella, up until he meets Renesemee, now he wants to have puppies with Renesmee.

Each book of the series is a desperate rant from Bella ESPECIALLY in New Moon, in which Bella turns into a complete f-cking zombie. Bella ends up getting married with Edward at the age of 18 and they have a half vampire baby.

An excerpt from all of the books:

*In Bella's room, at night, Bella's sleeping*
Edward: I like watching you sleep, it's fascinating

New Moon:
Edward: I promise that this will be the last time you’ll see me. I won’t come back. I won’t put you through anything like this again. You can go on with your life without any more interference from me. It will be as if I’d never existed.

Edward: Do you know how important you are to me? Any concept of how much I love you?
Bella: I know how much I love YOU.

Breaking Dawn:
Jacob: The gravity of the earth no longer tied me to the place where I stood. It was the baby girl in the blond vampire’s arms that held me here now. Renesmee.

by thehungergamesnumber1fan November 18, 2012

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


For all of those vampire haters. Twilight is not a piece of trash. It is a good book and no it is not a waste of time. And for those who think that I am trying to defend twilight because I am a twilight or Edward Cullen fan we'll guess what your wrong I'm a harry potter fan. Twilight is the misjudged book by all of you haters. It is a book in which one gets to fall in love with the characters. Only a book that good can rival the harry potter series. We are all entitled to are own opinion but if all you have to say is trash than say nothing at all. Twilight is an amazing book to read. From day one and your heart is stuck in the world of Twilight forever. It is outstanding and will change you forever. Once inside your their forever until the very end. For those who have never read this book I recommend that you do. It is beyond what words can describe. The start of a whole new world......and than reality. This book will get you reading forever.

Twilight the first book in a series. Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. It is sometimes misjudged so before going on and listening to others I suggest you give it a chance and READ

Reality back to the world in which you belong after taking seconds thinking back and wanting more of the book

by Brandon Dora February 3, 2014

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