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Traditionally meant, "For the Republic," connotating "One for the people," as opposed to One who sides with an ideological "Empire," and initially had NOTHING to do with Right/Left-wing politics.

Ideologically speaking, Republicans' sworn enemy is not the Democrat, but the Imperial. However, there has been a switch in the labelling, and the party with interests in helping people by means of utilizing a/the Government run by the people (Republic/Republican) is actually a political view held by the Democrats (for example, Welfare, Civil Rights, Health Care, Education, ETC.)

The now-labelled "Republicans" bear a closer resemblance to Imperials (Exploitation, inconsideration, coercement of beliefs, etc.) than the traditional definition of Republicans.

Modern Democrat = Traditional Definition Republican

Modern Repubican = Imperial

by TheSagelySavant September 8, 2004

1406๐Ÿ‘ 266๐Ÿ‘Ž


Slang term for a child who wines and screams loudly when they don't get what they want.

Wow, your kid wines like a Republican receiving government healthcare.

by Editdroid9 September 12, 2009

1531๐Ÿ‘ 291๐Ÿ‘Ž


A conservative, frustrated & closed minded person who tries to put their twisted opinions on others who are leaving free.
The angriest of all species, poor sports & sore losers. Opposes the simplest philosophy such as "Live and Let Live."

Whenever I talk to Chuck about the news he freaks out & says he hates CNN. He is a "Fox News" Republican guy. I just say, "alright already, don't bust an artery."

by kaneki August 12, 2009

1320๐Ÿ‘ 249๐Ÿ‘Ž


An ignorant rich people's political party. Some are retarded and most are bribed. If you vote for this political party, you're either a retard, a redneck, a person who hates technology, a religious extremist, the grandson of a Confederate soldier, old, rich, a middle-class hater, evil or Satan.

Republicans are against choice, abortions, freedom of speech, smart people, gun control, drug control, the environment, peace and prosperity. The only thing they do support is the Iraq war, a multi-trillon-dollar wasted effort, and religious lies.

The Republicans passed another bullshit bill.

by Urban Dictionary September 6, 2008

1422๐Ÿ‘ 270๐Ÿ‘Ž


A poorly educated politician who is against government programs and policies that help the poor, improve public education, regulate business, provide better working conditions for workers, make everyone more financialy secure and make the country safer such as welfare, medicare, medicaid, social security, federal deposit insurance credit, the american dep. of agriculture, minimum wage etc. They try to privatize and totally destroy healthcare and social security. Republicans also try to force their religion on the nation and teach christianity in public schools even though there's separation of church and state. Republicans violate everyones personal privacy rights such as abortion and they pass the patriot's ACT. They are against abortion yet they will always be there to sentence someone to capitol punishment for a minor crime and they start wars for no reason. Republicans also refuse to provide funding for stem cell research even if it could help us find a cure for cancer. They believe in an economic system where 1% of the population controls 99% of the wealth, where the tax burden is on the middle class and where multi-billion dollar corporations arent't expected to pay any taxes whatsoever.

RepublicanconservativeGeorge BushSarah Palin

by ninjastrike125 June 20, 2010

1437๐Ÿ‘ 273๐Ÿ‘Ž


conservative, christian, right wing, gay bashing, black fearing, pro life, straight males. most ignorant, closed-minded wankers on this fucked up planet of ours.

They hate pot-smoking, free choice people like me.

ie George Bush and John Mcain are wanker republicans

by duckey6161 November 25, 2008

945๐Ÿ‘ 176๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. a proud upright individual who indulges in gratutious fossil fuel burning, hunting, tractor driving, tax cuts for the wealthy, doing away with social welfare, and loving God and guns.

2. also a sworn enemy of liberals and people who care about trivial things like world peace, the environment, and education.

Dickey is a model republican. He smacked a PETA activist yesterday because he eats hamburgers, enjoys hunting, and thinks that protesters should get a job and pay their taxes instead of using welfare to drain the government.

by Pomela July 19, 2005

1380๐Ÿ‘ 262๐Ÿ‘Ž