An ancient alien theorist is an anthropologist who believes that the technology we use today comes to us from aliens that resemble greys popular in the United States. They retell stories from religious texts such as the Bible and the Koran, including Noah's Ark and the Apocalypse, as being caused by spaceships that had aliens and came to earth not from 1940 to present times, but 3000 or 4000 years ago.
According to ancient alien theorists, the Annunaki are aliens who taught Sumerians of ancient Mesopotamia to generate electricity from purple cough syrup plus orange juice in order to advance their culture to today's level of sophistication.
Ancient alien theorists believe that in December 2012, humanity's alien ancestors will visit and create the sixth Mayan dimension, increasing demand for electricity.
50๐ 15๐
A history or science expert who suggests that extraterrestrials have played a significant role in history on earth. They opine that there are many clues found in ancient ruins and holy books to substantiate this.
Could there be alien connections in the distant past? The ancient astronaut theorist would say "Yes."
29๐ 10๐
Someone who arrives at a conspiracy theory before it's cool or well known-- i.e. before it's posted on Infowars or Reddit.
Ron: "I thought Building 7 was suspicious before Loose Change was even released."
Stefan: "You're such a smart hipster conspiracy theorist."
9๐ 3๐
A small group of people who beleive that many famous literary works from history are entirely based on the authors feelings towards potatos
#potamlet is the way potato theorist say the name "hamlet"
1๐ 4๐
They are the biggest wack jobs in the world. They believe and come up with some of the most absurd conspiracy theories ever.
Having a reasonable debate with these lunatics will get you no where.
If you disagree with or question anything they say, Looney Conspiracy Theorists will call you a dis-info agent who is working with the PTB.
Examples of theories that Looney Conspiracy Theorists come up with:
-The New World Order Conspiracy
-Swine Flu Vaccine has micro chips in them
-The Illuminati Conspiracy
-Reptile extraterrestrials running the US government
-No planes crashed into the WTC buildings on September 11, 2001
-Planet X
-Fluoride is put in our drinking water so that the government can dumb us down and destroy half of the population.
And other nonsense! There are tons of sites on the interwebs where many Looney conspiracy theorists dwell.
21๐ 21๐
Italian-American conspiracy theorists are doggedly preoccupied with fringe theories pertaining to the innocence of Chicago-area mafia killers who were nonetheless indicted, shown to be guilty of their crimes (well-beyond a reasonable doubt), and incarcerated. They often complain that said mafia killers got a "raw deal" because of "bad news" disseminated by "dry beefers."
Their theories are viewed with skepticism by normal people because they are rarely supported by any conclusive evidence and contrast with institutional analysis, which focuses on people's collective behavior in publicly known institutions, as recorded in scholarly material and mainstream media reports, to explain historical or current events, rather than speculate on the motives and actions of secretive coalitions of individuals, such as Mike Maseth, T. Markus Funk, Mitchell Mars Mitch Mars, Patrick Fitzgerald, and Charlie Hernandez.
Clear-headed individuals argue that Italian-American conspiracy theory, itself, goes well-beyond the boundaries of rational criticism when it becomes nonfalsifiable--such a theory is a closed system of ideas which explains away contradictory evidence by claiming that the conspirators themselves planted it.
Italian-American conspiracy theorists typically grew up in areas like Melrose Park, Elmwood Park, Galewood, Bridgeport, Cicero, and Berwyn. They regularly troll the Chicago Suntimes' mob threads.
The Suntimes mob blog is hilarious when all the Italian-American conspiracy theorists come crawling out of the wood work, crying foul.
4๐ 8๐
Anyone after 2022 (actually anyone after 1963) who still believes the CIA does not conspire
Hey dude, if you really believe the CIA never heard of Ukraine, you're a CIA theorist.