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Top up

When you offer a muffin/dessert to your chubby partner. i.e. partner who has a muffin top.

“Would you like a top up?”
“Would you like a top up for your muffin top?”

by Chechi August 3, 2020

milk top

when a girl gives you head so good u nut all on her face (milk being nut, top as in being her head)

dam, man oh girl gives some hell of a milk top

by sms boys June 3, 2009

top slot

To have something as a 1st priority; something that comes before everything else.

Justin: "Going to Cicotti is top slot for tonight!"
Trevor: " Sorry, I can't hangout tonight, it's just not top slot."

by Abrv. February 27, 2017

Bop the top

The act of smoking high quality marijuana through a gravity bong.

"Are you ready to bop the top?"

"Bop the to top of the zoop zop top."

by Watchingfullhousemakesyouafag December 15, 2012

Top Pot

A chain of doughnut shops in the Seattle area, founded in 2002. They serve better coffee than Starbucks and THE best doughnuts in America.

Person 1: Let's stop by Starbucks and spend ten dollars on overpriced coffee and marked-up snacks!
Person 2: Orrrr we could just hit up Top Pot.
Person 1: Oh yeah, we should do that. What was I thinking?

by SoundOfff February 11, 2014

lab top

a phrase of stupidity, often used instead of laptop.

anyone who says "lab top" instead of "laptop" is a complete idiot.

note: the argument of "soda vs. pop both being carbonated beverages" is not the same as 'labtop' vs 'laptop'

"the file is on my lab top, not on this computer"

"im wanting to buy a new lab top, mines really old"

both of which could be responded to with:

"it's called a laptop you fucking moron."

by tramp drifter May 4, 2008

96👍 30👎

Fuck Top

A way that some french people (mostly from Quebec, Canada), think "fucked up" is written. It's mostly use in a "good" way, to mean that something is nice instead of saying that something is truly fucked up

Bob: Man, This trick was so fuck top!

John: You're right, man!

by Rooked October 17, 2010

107👍 34👎