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naturally high

Feeling high, but without the use of drugs.

I got no sleep last night...man, I feel high...naturally high...

by Yams December 16, 2006

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Gamers High

The feeling of increased awareness when playing an intense mission/online match on a video game. Also see gamers twitch.

Joe had his eyes wide open and (somehow) fully awake at 3 am playing Black Ops, stricken by gamers high.

by Waffles_xD April 10, 2011

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High School

Let's just say, one of the most pathetic places to be. It's pretty much a step below college, teaching us useless crap that they say will help us in our future. That's what college is for. It should be optional to go to, or just get rid of it. And let college take about a year or two longer depending on what you want to major. In college, people actually grow up, that fails to happen in High School. And there isn't any fucking social classes in college, just go and get the fuck out. Here's the classes in the order I like/dislike with a defonition.
Greaser/Punk/Skinhead- Decent people with a good taste of music, only the wanna be's are ass holes, the rest just leave you alone. Usually hated by teachers for all the wrong reasons.
Nerds- Nice people, but take too much beatings, don't stand up for themselves, and are kind of snobby.
Hipsters- Now these guys may look like douches, but they only listen to shitty music. They're pretty chill people actually, you just can't be a retarded ignorant faggot to them.
Jocks- Smell horribly and take too much pride in their shitty athleticism, will most likely be janitors when they grow up.

Juggalos- Now, here's a bunch of douches. They listen to shitty music known as ICP, they are fucking retarded, the only upside is they can make your day by being completely retarded. But they're posers, fags, douches, wanna be's, wiggers, and trailer trash. Best make fun of them they're extremely defensive and hilarious when they are.

High School is a bunch of bullshit, plain and simple.

by Stumpfy August 5, 2010

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high school

1. A place with many people aged 13-18.

2. A place where adults believe we are learning.
3. A place where you can climb the social ladder. (Maybe.)
4. A place where adults believe we are being prepared for the real world. (Although ironically enough Gr. 7 & 8 are spent preparing for high school.)
5. A pointless, government funded place of torture.

Josh: High school sucks
Every Teen In The World: Amen!!!!

by that's good October 22, 2009

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Driver's High

An expression used to describe the selfless state of only wishing to accomplish or overindulge in the ecstasy of what one is doing. For example, suicide bombers, Seung Hui-Cho(massacre in Virginia Tech), F1 drivers**, Bungee jumpers, Skydivers

Flash! I'm in the coolest driver's high
Towards the best finale! Yeah!
Even if I explode and turn into ashes
I'll probably still be laughing, just like this.
See ya again in the next world, Yeah!

by Johnny Hallyday August 21, 2009

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High Tide

The act of smoking weed and then going boogie boarding, because surfing requires too much focus

Guy 1: Hey bro want to get some high tide?
Guy 2: fersuredo

by Ramsheadband August 1, 2016

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high on fire

metal. that's all you need to know.

this one dude: have you heard of high on fire man?

this other dude: ya, i have

by brutallyendowedhamster February 2, 2011

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