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pussy socialism

As in the Marxist slogan: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"

But instead of economics, this slogan relates to pussy. Specifically, when a buddy who pulls a lot of poon shares his conquests with his less fortunate buddy -- that's pussy socialism.

"Thank god for pussy socialism, otherwise I'd never get laid!"

by marxist_pussy August 13, 2014

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social ostrich

A person who avoids and/or ignores all social problems at any extent possible.

Jon is being a giant social ostrich right now, it's really frustrating.

by Suckayeah June 15, 2009

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social netwanking

1. the stimulation or manipulation of one's own ego for self-gratification, through the use of online social networking media

2. self-gratification by (i) maintaining a presence within online social networks and (ii) believing that having online "friends" or "followers" means you are actually popular

Social netwanking was his favorite pastime, so Jim didn't believe that playing with yourself on facebook can make you go blind until it was too late...

by Antisocial Networker October 23, 2009

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social omnivore

Noun: A person that generally conforms to the practice of vegetarianism, but will consume animal products in the company of meat eaters.

This compromise is often born of convenience or social pressure. Male vegetarians may experience lapses into social omnivorism to appear masculine in a testosterone-soaked atmosphere.

Dude 1: The Rangers are killing the Celtics. Fuck my life. You want some pizza?

Dude 2: Sure. Any veggie lover's?

Dude 1: Any nuts in your jocks? We've got pepperoni, Hawaiian, and meat lover's. Wooo!

Dude 2: ... I'll take Hawaiian.

Girl: Haven't you been a veg since you were like, 12?

Dude 1: Bro's a social omnivore.

Dude 2: Go Celtics.

by McSantos May 18, 2009

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social virtue

Social virtue, makes reference to the active roll of all members within society, in the adhering to the principle of moral fairness in relation with all matters of the economy, such as commerce and trade. Such a measure entails the moral self applied restraint and discipline of every individual within society, refraining from partaking in the excessive pursuit of the accumulating materialistic wealth which is a attribute of greed . Which inevitably results in the over pricing or charging of essential produce and goods, a prospect which is the leading cause for the manifestation of corruption and inevitably hunger and poverty within society.

social virtue is an important attribute and element of the moral and idΓ©aliste-Γ©quilibrΓ© economies.

by Baron Neville May 12, 2016

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A socialist mode of production (ie, means of production owned by the workers, standard wage) with a minimal government to ensure the preservation of worker's rights.

Libertarian socialism is a broader term that can break down into smaller ideologies, such as anarcho-socialism and minarcho-socialism.

by Lexiiiiii_ April 5, 2021

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social loafing

Social loafing takes place in a public venue, such as a park, library, or movie theater. Social loafing is when two males with erect penises stick their shafts into opposite ends of a loaf of bread, often with holes pre-cut into the loaf. The holes can be filled with butter, margarine, or spermicidal lubricant.
There are rules to this procedure however:
1. If you are gay and proceed to attempt this, you must follow this up by tossing some salad or serving up a good ol' rusty trombone.
2. If you are straight and proceed to attempt this, you must immediately have sex with the nearest girl, hot or not, to nullify the gayness.
3. If you are straight and proceed to attempt this, and if you bump heads within the bread, you must stop IMMEDIATELY and proceed to watch HOURS of lesbian pornography.

Austin and Ben felt like experimenting in front of their girlfriends, so they proceeded to engage in social loafing at their local library. Afterwards, they had glorious sex with their girlfriends on top of novels written by Stephen King....

by TossMySaladpl0x? April 6, 2011

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