Someone who is in Advanced Placement classes and thinks they are quirky and funny (Girl AP kids), or thinks that showering and keeping good hygiene is less of a priority than calculus homework (Boy AP kids). These kids range anything from quiet to loud and trying too hard to trying too hard. These kids are usually found attending SAT prep camps, After school clubs, or just studying. Most of these kids, 1. aren’t funny and you are forced to laugh at their jokes, 2. Obnoxious and annoying, 3. Trying too hard all the time to fit in, 4. and think they are quirky for liking Tyler the Creator’s new album. BEWARE: Some people might be in all AP classes or in some and not be an AP kid. If you are looking to stop being an AP kid, it’s too late i’m sorry.
*loud girl voices*
Girl 1: “Did you hear about Kevin Abstract running in his front lawn for charity?”
Girl 2: “Oh my god, He’s so brave! I love him! Such a sweet hard. And I oop-“
Girl 1: “Hahaha that was so funny do it again!”
Me: “Look at those fucken retards!”
Cool dude #4007: “I know right. What a bunch of AP kids”
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similar to rape however the 'g' and 'o' stand for getting off
therefore you have been forced to get off with someone
Natalie - "Oh my god you got off with that matt guy?!"
Daniella- "God no! He just came up and forced himself on me, i couldn't stop him!"
Natalie - "Ohh you got GO-APED!"
52👍 66👎
Flat nosed simian creature found in the Australian outback.
Also small ape like train driver found only on metropolitan rail network.
That Gretchie sure is one ugly little rock ape.
Frigging rock apes busted open my petrol tank so's they can get high on the fumes.
28👍 31👎
those crazy, annoyingly smart asians that only care about badminton, anime, and all those crazy asian singers.
I was walking down the english hall, and the whole row of tables were filled with AP Asians.
21👍 23👎
1. A movie that was made in which apes ruled the world.
2. Earth.So called because humans rule the world and are thought of by some to be nothing more then more highly evolved apes. Because humans have at least 95% of there DNA that the same as that of chimpanzees. And also because much of what humans do is backward and brutish. For example many wars,antilove laws,destruction of the environment,racism ect.
1. Have you seen the planet of the apes.
2. I think I a turn on the news and see what's new on the planet of the apes.
16👍 15👎
An ape tit is a relatively dumb male who constantly annoys the hell out of you. He commits random acts of stupidity all day. One can describe an ape tit as a douche bag but not bright enough to understand. Once someone is dubbed an ape tit, you can refer to him as an ape tit or just ape tit.
"Stop fucking pushing me you goddamn ape tit!"
"Ape Tit, stop fucking pushing me."
28👍 34👎
A class that you either pass or fail. You will learn a lot, but you will forget eveything you learned the next year, because the class goes by so fast. No matter how hard you study, you will not get higher than a C+
Our whole class got 3's on the AP Government exam, because we didn't study for 12 hours.
69👍 100👎