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fuck a new cunt up

Someone who breaks everything


by Thatchers and Black December 9, 2020

Cunt jism

The girl juice that comes out of a woman's pussy when she's sexually aroused.

I fingered. My gf's pussy until she came some,

Cunt jism. Then I brushed my teeth 🤣 with it and then we kissed

by 4realazitgits April 19, 2021

thoroughbred cunt

A thoroughbred Cunt is the truest kind of cunt. - a thoroughbred cunt will usually come off sweet and endearing when you first meet them but they’ll be secretly manipulating everyone from above, pulling strings and spinning lies for their own personal gain. They are a prime example of why the rich get richer and the poor keep getting poorer they’ll use and abuse to get their own way and feel no shame for it, after all they’re oblivious to their own ignorant nasty ways you’re better off without one of these cunts in your life they will only drag down anyone that gets tangled in their web of entitlement

That Meghan girl is a real thoroughbred Cunt

by enoyrevetsoluoy January 22, 2024

Cunt Musket

It is the person, generally an older cunt, who constantly bitches about how hard she works, thinks she's entitled and compares it to a man, generally she is the voice for the company because she'll tell you what you did on vacation etc. Her retirement is her seniority and we pray that she gets it ! To men she's like a queef stuck to your face or like a good blunt the stank just won't go away.

"Bro I get that she's on the alumni for this company but shes a god damn Cunt Musket."

by Urban slurs June 6, 2021

Faggot bitch nigga cunt

A faggot bitch who likes dick and being fucked in the ass. Usually named Lance

Lance is a faggot bitch nigga cunt.

by Penisfaggot6969 May 13, 2024

crouching cunt

valorant cunts who crouch when they see you

fking crouching cunt dodged all my headshot bullets, motherfucker

this piece of crouching cunt, fking cunt cunting cunt cunt. piece of shit keeps crouching

by chickenmcnuggets6968 February 7, 2023


A gatekeeper for Capcom games.

A conversation between Capcom fans
OP: “I like Resident Evil 8, it’s actually pretty good!”
Reply: “Preposterous! Nothing will ever beat Resident Evil 4!”
OP: “Oh lord, it’s a Cap-cunt.”

by ninuno January 24, 2023