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A person who hates furries. Everyone knows that furries are bitches. An Anti-Furrist would instantly burn a furry drawing on sight.

Example: I’m an Anti-Furrist and I don’t give a shit about furries

by Your Definitions December 17, 2020

18πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Someone who loathes posers and sees it as there mission to beat all the poser out of someone, so the poser can be themselves

Any poser reading this I'm gonna beat your ass

Two real acutal people (if there are any left) see a poser:

person1-blahblahblah*sees poser*
Person1-dude look at that poser
person1-(to poser)Hey don't make me go anti-poser on your ass!

poser-(confused)What? Oh...uh...GREEN DAY rocks!

person2-Go fuck yourself poser

by cvoutcast101 May 24, 2008

19πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


An anti-conformist is a pseudo-individual who thinks being "non-mainstream" or part of a "sub-culture" is automatically an individual.

Examples include some (but not all) members of many "social outcast" subcultures such as emos, goths, juggalos, bronies, btards, geeks, new atheists, metalheads, stoners, hipsters, Ron Paul fans, SJWs, even Scientologists.

Ironically anti-conformists are more conformist than the majority of "normal people", and are just as bigoted as the stereotypically "cool" or "popular" cliques such as jocks, preps, cheerleaders, sorority girls, etc.

Try arguing that the Phantom Menace is better than the original Star Wars at a Sci-Fi convention, and you may be treated like a heretic in medieval Europe. Try telling a metalhead that you enjoy a few Lady Gaga songs and you'll get a similar result. Or ask a hipster to try watching any movie which isn't "foreign, indie, arthouse", etc and he'll tell you it's crap without even watching it.

Some subcultures started out as something original, but nowadays are often a manufactured image people adopt for negative attention - like the jock who buys his clothes at Abercrombie and Fitch, a metalhead will buy his tattered jeans and black T-shirts at Hot Topic yet still claim to be non-conformist.

In short they're essentially to normalcy what the Punisher (an anti-hero) is to Superman (a hero) - but an anti-hero is still a protagonist no matter how much it denies it.

South Park showed a perfect example of anti-conformist mindset. While the "goth kids" prided themselves on being non-conformist, in reality they generalized and excluded anyone who didn't dress exactly the same as them or listen to the same music as them, proving themselves to be some of the biggest conformists around.

A true individual on the other hand has a wide variety of interests - he may enjoy both heavy metal and pop music at the same time, or might enjoy playing Dungeons and Dragons while still enjoying sports - the difference is that he chooses his interests out of genuine interest rather than just trying to affect a certain image, and is typically a lot more tolerant toward people with different tastes rather than expecting everyone to be a carbon copy of himself.

by Anon989989 November 2, 2015

26πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

The Anti-Clan

1) A squad of superb gamers that hate clannies because they are ridiculous and don't know what they are doing.

2) A squad of superb gamers that hate clannies because clan members never go onto any server by themselves, for doing so would show their lack of skill.

1) What is that clannie doing? The battle is on the ground not in the sky!

2) Look at those clannies stacking the teams, why don't you people fight one on one you losers!

by OogaBooga March 22, 2004

16πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Someone that is against speciesism. Which is just as important as anti-sexism and anti-racism.

Hey, he's an anti-speciesist. He's so considerate of others and the overall state of our entire Planet, let's be more like him!

by pooldead March 11, 2016

16πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

anti degenrates

Anti-Degenrates consist ,Anti-furries,Anti-anime,anti-gacha,anti -countryhumans,Anti-pedophile . There were not many anti Degenrate communities because of lack of communication , which was helped by anime influencers and furry influencers to bring morale down of fellow anti degenrates, some recent have taken shelter in Reddit and discord servers, there
Are many anti Degenrate servers out there, Anti degenerates have varieties of people , consisting learned and internet veterans they have their own opinions , they are often attacked by anime furry gacha and countryhuman supporters trying to push their opinion. as it's not a large community,Still it has hackers,noobs,pros all together which makes them powerful.

Anti Degenrates are smart or anime is bad sorry I Thought it was cool I will never push my opinion on anti furries

by JackSantaKlaus November 7, 2020

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Someone who takes all the wrong approaches when flirting with someone. Usually found doing something stupid like trying put their ship name in the Urban Dictionary.

I keep messing up and no girl is falling for me, I'm such an anti-flirt

by Trashist January 12, 2017

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž